Meeting adjourned at 1:45pm
Mike Sneed, Dave Allan co-chairs
Minutes taken by Dave Allan
Attendees: 20

Agenda:/Mike Sneed
Presentation on new I-D.
Path forward for new I-D
ADSL forum update
Next Steps for WG

Agenda Bashing/Mike Sneed
No comments

Presentation of new ID/Greg Bathrick
4 categories of changes

Use perf currernt count and perf interval count
Updated security statement to conform with current practice.
JeffÆs Review
Changed defÆn of profile contriol objects
Removed refÆs to if-test types
Syntax changes, SNR, attenuation, attainable rate, output power, adslLineSpecific
Removed ifindex from traps
Changed if type to 89 experimental.
Comments, if it is already assigned as 94, why not use it?
Correction 94 is if type but 89 is OID under MIB2

CPE View
Updated text and conformance statements only
CPE view includes
ATU-R perf info
Some ATU-C performance
Line and channel information,
Work originated with Faye Ly

Profile Index change to SNMP admin string
User friendly, reduces transactions due to direct indexing, reduces manager caching, eliminates complex get next mechanism
ID Changes
Change profile index to SnmpAdminString
Remove indexnextobject mechanism

Group agreed that I-D was ready to go to WG last call. Greg B. will attempt to have the revised work ready for Christmas.

ADSL Forum Update/Gigi Kharmous-Edwards

ADSLF Liaison

Capability bitmap, deferred

Power management and status
Request can be accomodated by adding to the adslLineStatus bitmap

Line state counters
Counter objects for fast retrains and failed fast retrains

Block error handling
Current MIB focus is a superframe, granularity does not match lowest unit of correctable or errored data (FEC code block)

Errored seconds vs. severely errored seconds
Need to define what threshold of problems defines a severely errored second

Profile table changes
Line mode configuration object required
Fast only, interleave only, both
Discussion on the number of indirect mechanisms that permit some of this to be defined.
Suggestion is that a ôtrumpöobject which defines intent and other config parameters can be audited against.

Next Steps Discussion

Chair recommendation is to defer G.lite
Question: Why are we deferring G.lite and G.dmt.
Answer: MIB based on issue 1.
Question: There is negligible issue 1 deployed.
Information: T1.413 issue 3 is not going to go forward.
Discussion around ôdeferringö addressing ITU-T G.99x series of recommendations. Chairs recommendation is not to defer this work, but to defer incorporating it into the proposed MIB until we have revÆved it to proposed standard. (Dick Stuart/3Com).

Agreed that the current I-D should go to WG last call.

Agreed that we need to expand our charter to address the ITU-T G.99x series of recommendations (.dmt, .hs, .ref, .lite, .ploam).

SDSL/IDSL Presentation

(need slides from Faye Ly/CopperMountain)

SDSL./IDSL lines modeled as single I/F in interface table.
Presentation of information required (see attached slides).

Q: Is copper mountain going to participate in G.shdsl

Is there interest, Faye willing to do the work.

Information: IETF has ITU membership so work here can be sent to the ITU. ITU does not await complete work but is document driven. Suggestion of a WG liaison to the ITU

Concensus on adding SDSL/IDSL to the charter.

Response to the ADSL liaison is that we will address the requested issues, but not in the current ID going to WG last call. Gigi Karmous-Edwards (IETF Liaison officer) will generate the response.

Attachment 1: Liaison from ADSL Forum

To:     Mike Sneed and Dave Allan, Co-Chairs of the IETF ADSL working group

From:   Gavin Young,  ADSL ForumÆs Technical Chair

Cc:     Richard Stewart, ITU SG 15
        Gigi Karmous-Edwards IETF Liaison for ADSL Forum

Subject:  Recommended changes to the ADSL line MIB

The  Network Management working group in the ADSL Forum has reviewed contribution ADSLForum98-196, ôAligning ADSL Line MIB with ANSI T1M1 & ITU-T G.997.1 (Draft from the G.ploam) and ADSLForum98-205, ôG997.1ö.

The following are the recommendations made by the Network Management working group to the IETF:

ADSL Transmission 
Since modems can be programmed to support more than one mode of operation. An object should be defined as a bit-map as follows:
Bit 01 : Regional Std. (ANSI T1.413)
        Bit 02 : Regional Std. (ETSI DTS/TM06006)
        Bit 03 : G.992.1 POTS non-overlapped
        Bit 04 : G.992.1 POTS overlapped
        Bit 05 : G.992.1 ISDN non-overlapped
        Bit 06 : G.992.1 ISDN overlapped
        Bit 07 : G.992.1 with TCM-ISDN
        Bit 08 : G.992.2 POTS non-overlapped
        Bit 09 : G.992.2 POTS overlapped
        Bit 10 : G.992.2 with TCM-ISDN

We recommend the following four new MIB Variables:
Atuc ADSL Mode Capability
Atur ADSL Mode Capability
Atuc ADSL Mode Enable
Current ADSL Mode 

Power management and status
For power management,  we will state in the MIB how to use ifOperStatus and ifAdminStatus should be used for the operational and non-operational states.

Add to the existing adslLineStatus bitmap to include the low power state.

ADSL Line State Counters
Add counter objects for the number of fast retrains and failed fast retrains.

Fault Management of TC interface
Recommend to the IETF ATM working group to add TC support for ADSL dual latency physical medium parameters like LCD, HEC violations count, HEC total cell count, User total cell count, and Idle cell Bit errors.

Recommend changing the descriptive definition of blocks from a CRC Block to an FEC block. Change the wording of superframe to  frame.

Performance management
Add objects to represent severely errored seconds (SES) and unavailable errored seconds (UAS).

Profile Table additions/changes
Add an object to represent the line mode configuration (Fast only, Interleave only, Both, etc.).

Change the range of Current output power to û31  to +31
Change the range of current SNR to û64  to + 64