Title: Tropic Networks' Statement About IPR Claimed in draft-udo-ospf-vendatt
Received: December 22, 2003
From: Victoria Donnelly <vdonnelly@tropicnetworks.com>

Tropic Networks Inc. hereby announces that a patent application relevant
to the internet-draft "draft-udo-ospf-vendatt-00" May 2003 has been
filed in the US and Canada. In the case that said internet-draft becomes
an IETF standard, Tropic Networks Inc. intends to support a widespread
adoption of the standard by offering - on the basis of reciprocity
whenever applicable - to license any IPR owned by Tropic Networks Inc.
necessary for implementing the standard on fair, reasonable and
nondiscriminatory terms.

                Dr. Victoria Donnelly
                Director of Intellectual Property
                Tropic Networks Inc.