Dear Sirs: I am hereby submitting on behalf of Toshiba America Research, Inc. (TARI), a Specific Statement in relation to submission of certain identified IPRs. It is respectfully submitted that this submission should be posted as a complaint submission. A copy of the Specific Statement is included below and is also attached hereto in PDF format. Please confirm receipt of this submission. Respectfully submitted, Stephen B. Parker, Esq. Legal Counsel for TARI Watchstone P+D, llc 1300 I Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 202-204-4733 Specific Statement IF PARTS OF THE IDENTIFIED SUBMISSIONS BY TARI ARE INCLUDED IN A STANDARD AND THE IDENTIFIED PATENTS AND/OR PENDING APPLICATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL TO IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH INCLUDED PARTS IN SAID STANDARD, TARI IS PREPARED TO GRANT - ON THE BASIS OF RECIPROCITY (I.E., GRANTBACK) - A LICENSE ON SUCH INCLUDED PARTS ON REASONABLE, NON-DISCRIMINATORY TERMS AND CONDITIONS, PROVIDED THAT TARI IS THE OWNER OF SUCH PATENTS AND/OR PENDING APPLICATIONS AND HAS THE RIGHT TO GRANT SUCH A LICENSE. Identified Submissions: draft-ohba-eap-channel-binding Identified Pending Applications: Pertains to at least one non-published pending application(s). TARI Contact: Toshikazu Kodama President Toshiba America Research, Inc. P.O. Box 429 Piscataway, NJ 08854-4151 Location: 1 Telcordia Drvie Piscataway, NJ 08854 Phone: 732-699-2375 (E-mail: <> )