Title: Tellabs Statement about IPR claimed in draft-shiomoto-ccamp-mpls-gmpls-interwork-fmwk-01
Date: 25 October 2006
From: Rudofski, Kenneth J. <Ken.Rudofski@tellabs.com>

Tellabs makes the following disclosure pursuant to the IETF IPR Policy,
RFC 3979, regarding:


The subject matter of this document may be covered, either in whole or
in part, by the subject matter disclosed in one or more of Tellabs
patent applications US20030172362 A1 (US Appl. Ser. No. 10/355,306), US
Appl. Ser. No. 60/661,203 and US Appl. Ser. No. 11/374,335, and
counterpart applications CA2470637 A1, EP1470679 A1, WO03067835 (Int'l
Appl. Ser. No. PCT/US2003/002927) and Int'l Appl. Ser. No.
PCT/US2006/015894, and any derivatives thereof.

If one or more standards relating to this subject matter has been or is
later adopted by the IETF, and if any patent claims arising from these
Tellabs patent applications, or counterparts or derivatives thereof, are
necessary for compliance with the standard, then on the condition of
reciprocity Tellabs will make available, upon written request to
Tellabs, a non-exclusive license to such essential claims under
reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, including a
reasonable royalty or other consideration.

For information contact the below address (no e-mails, please):

Patent Licensing Administrator
Tellabs Operations, Inc.
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