Title: TeliaSonera Finland Oyj's statement about IPR claimed in draft-lehtonen-mboned-multissm-00.txt Received 16 August 2004 From: Markku Norberg <markku.norberg@teliasonera.com Section I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder") Legal Name: 'TeliaSonera Finland Oyj' Section II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application Name: Markku Norberg Title: Licensing Manager Department: CTO's Office Address1: P.O. Box 106, 00051 SONERA, Finland Address2: Telephone: +358-2040-23637 Fax: Email: markku.norberg@teliasonera.com Section III. Contact Information for the IETF Participant Whose Personal Belief Triggered the Disclosure in this Template (Optional): Name: Rami Lehtonen Title: Department: Address1: Address2: Telephone: +358-2040-23437 Fax: Email: rami.lehtonen@teliasonera.com Section IV. IETF Document or Working Group Contribution to Which Patent Disclosure Relates Document Title: Dynamic Multi-Source Discovery for SSM using MSDP RFC Number(Numeric value only) : I-D File Name(draft-...) : draft-lehtonen-mboned-multissm-00.txt Designations for Other Contributions : Section V. Disclosure of Patent Information (i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by Section 6 of RFC 3668) A. For granted patents or published pending patent applications, please provide the following information: Patent, Serial, Publication, Registration, or Application/File number(s) : Application FI20040295 Date(s) granted or applied for : 2004-2-25 Country : 'Finland' Additional Note(s): 'Finnish title of the patent is: "Menetelmä, järjestelmä ja lähettäjä monilähetyksen toteuttamiseksi". Possible other countries will be designated later.' B. Does your disclosure relate to an unpublished pending patent application? Yes C. If an Internet-Draft or RFC includes multiple parts and it is not reasonably apparent which part of such Internet-Draft or RFC is alleged to be covered by the patent information disclosed in Section V(A) or V(B), it is helpful if the discloser identifies here the sections of the Internet-Draft or RFC that are alleged to be so covered. : '' Section VI. Licensing Declaration The Patent Holder states that, upon approval by the IESG for publication as an RFC of the relevant IETF specification, its position with respect to licensing any patent claims contained in the patent(s) or patent application(s) disclosed above that would be necessary to implement the technology required by such IETF specification ("Patent Claims"), for the purpose of implementing the specification, is as follows(select one licensing declaration option only): Selection: Licensing Declaration to be Provided Later. Comments, Notes or URL for more information : '' Section VII. Contact Information of Submitter of this Form (if different from IETF Participant in Section III above) Name: Harri Koivisto Title: IPR Manager Department: CTO's Office Address1: Address2: Telephone: +358 2040 72203 Fax: Email: harri.koivisto@teliasonera.com Section VIII. Other Note(s): ''