Title: Sun Microsystem's Statement about IPR claimed in draft-perlman-rbridge
Received: 6 August 2004
From: Erik Nordmark <Erik.Nordmark@sun.com>

Subject: IPR notice for draft-perlman-rbridge

This is to advise the IETF that Sun Microsystems, Inc. (SUN) is
willing to grant royalty-free(RF) licenses under our patents
containing Essential Claims (claims that would necessarily be
infringed by implementations of required portions) of the RBridge
standard being developed in the IETF, conditioned on a grant of a
reciprocal RF license.

For further information contact:

Mitch Segal
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Mail Stop UMTV29-233
2600 Casey Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone 650-336-1138