Title: Rene Struik's Statement of IPR Related to draft-igoe-secsh-x509v3-06 belonging to Certicom Corp. Date: 2010-12-01 Submitter: Rene Struik <rstruik.ext@gmail.com> 1. Possible patent holder/applicant: Certicom Corp. 2. Contact information for the IETF participant whose personal belief triggered this disclosure: Rene Struik, phone: +1 (416) 466-8084, email: rstruik.ext@gmail.com 3. IETF document or other contribution to which this IPR disclosure relates: draft-igoe-secsh-x509v3-06 (X.509v3 Certificates for Secure Shell Authentication 4. Disclosure of patent information, if known (i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by Section 6 of RFC 3979): A) This disclosure is related to the following granted patents and published pending patent applications: [Certicom to provide] Additional notes: This disclosure is based on offline suggestions by Certicom during the period from half October 2010 onwards as to potential inclusion of Certicom intellectual property with the current draft, without further elaboration in detail. Given the timeline of the current draft (it has passed Last Call by November 15, 2010 and is currently in "Discuss" stage) and since I have not seen any disclosure of potential IPR posted on the IETF website to-date, I felt the duty to notify. This disclosure is based on best effort and does not judge on validity of patent claims (I am no lawyer, after all). Best regards, Rene ==