Title: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's joint statement about 
IPR claimed in Camellia (signed copies on file with the IETF Secretariat)
Received: Jun.25, 2003
From: Isamu Yoshimatsu <yoshimatsu.isamu@lab.ntt.co.jp>

Dear Sir:

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (hereinafter 
refers as "Parties") believe to hold granted patents and/or pending application (hereinafter 
refers as "Patents"), which is/are essential to implement Camellia.
On condition that other company and/or entity shall grant their patents essentially required 
to IETF S/MIME standard (hereinafter refers as "Standard") under fair and commercially reasonable 
terms and conditions on non-discriminatory basis in accordance with RFC 2026, Parties hereby 
declare that, to the extent that Patents are essential to Camellia, Parties are prepared to 
grant, on the basis of reciprocity and non-discriminatory for Standard, a royalty-free license 
under Patents to an unrestricted number of applicants throughout the world to manufacture, 
use and/or sell implementations of Camellia with respect to the application area of the Standard. 
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Parties shall reserve any and all rights to enforce Patents 
against any applicant in the event that such applicant assert any patent related to 
cryptographic technology which is essentially required to products fully complied with Standard.


Takashi Suzuki					
General Manager, Intellectual Property Center	
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation	
9-11, Midori-Cho 3-Chome Musashino-Shi,		
Tokyo 180-8585 Japan				

Ryo Tokunaga
General Manager, Corporate Licensing Department
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
2-2-3, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 100-8310, Japan

CC: IETF S/MIME working group