Title:  Update to Nortel Networks Statement of IPR related to draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ethernet-pbb-te
Date: 29 April 2009
Submitter:  Michelle Lee <mleelaw@nortel.com>

Dear Sir,

Further to IETF IPR disclosure ID#654, the referenced IETF Internet
Draft draft-fedyk-gmpls-ethernet-ivl entitled "GMPLS control of Ethernet
IVL Switches" has become the following IETF Internet Draft:
Title: Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) control of
Ethernet PBB-TE <draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ethernet-pbb-te-02>


For information, the IPR referenced in Nortel Networks' IPR disclosure
ID#654 in regard to the above IETF Internet Draft has been published as:
US patent application publication no. 2007086455, "GMPLS Control
of Ethernet" WO patent application publication no. 2007041860,  
"GMPLS Control of Ethernet"

Further to Nortel's statement in ID#654, Nortel Networks continues to
declare that in the event the technology in the document is included in
a standard adopted by IETF and this patent application of Nortel issues
which contains claims necessary for practicing the resulting IETF
Standard based on this Internet Draft, Nortel Networks will make
available licenses under fair, reasonable, reciprocal, and
non-discriminatory terms under such necessary claims it owns to fully
comply with such IETF Standard.

For information, Nortel Networks Limited is the owner of additional IPR
in regard to each of the IEEE 802.1Qay, 802.1ag and 802.1ah standard
amendments referenced in the above Internet Draft.

Requests may be addressed to:
Mark Hearn, IP Licensing
Nortel Networks
2221 Lakeside Boulevard, M/S 991/14/B20
Richardson, Texas 75082 USA

My contact information is set out below.

Michelle Lee
Nortel Networks
IP Counsel
195 The West Mall, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON Canada M9C 5K1
Email: mleelaw@nortel.com