Update to Nortel Networks Statement about IPR in draft-ietf-behave-nat-behavior-discovery Date: 20 March 2008 From: Michelle Lee <mleelaw@nortel.com> Dear Sir, As identified in its IPR disclosure ID#919, Nortel Networks Limited has an issued US patent no. 6,993,595, entitled "Address Translation Change Identification", that may be relevant to at least a portion of the following IETF Internet Draft, if approved and implemented: Title: NAT Behavior Discovery Using STUN draft-ietf-behave-nat-behavior-discovery-02 Tag: < draft-ietf-behave-nat-behavior-discovery-02> www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-behave-nat-behavior-discovery-02.txt As understood, this IETF NAT Behaviour Discovery Using STUN draft is presently an Experimental status and not an IETF standards-track document. However, if and to the extent claims of U.S. patent no. 6,993,595 cover and are necessary to practice a resulting IETF standard based upon the above-referenced IETF Internet Draft as approved by IESG and implemented, Nortel Networks is willing to make available licenses on fair, reasonable, reciprocal, and non-discriminatory terms under such necessary claims of this patent for compliance with such resulting IETF standard. Requests may be addressed to: Mark Hearn Nortel Networks 2221 Lakeside Boulevard, M/S 991/14/B20 Richardson, Texas 75082 USA hearnm@nortel.com My contact information is set out below. Kind Regards, Michelle Lee IP Counsel Nortel Networks Limited 5-195 The West Mall Toronto, Ontario Canada M9C 5K1 Fax: 905-863-1986 mleelaw@nortel.com