Nortel Networks Statement about IPR claimed in RFC 3344 Date: 9 April 2007 From: Michelle Lee <> Dear Sir, Nortel Networks Limited has US patent no. 6,922,404 that contains claims that may be relevant to practice certain portions of IETF RFC 3344. Title: IP Mobility Support for IPv4 RFC Tag: IETF RFC 3344 Further to Nortel Networks Statement IPR ID#3, to the extent claims of U.S. patent no. 6,922,404 cover and are necessary to practice this IETF RFC 3344 standard, Nortel Networks is willing to make available licenses on fair, reasonable, reciprocal, and non-discriminatory terms to such necessary claims of this patent for compliance with this IETF RFC 3344 standard. Requests may be addressed to: Richard Weiss Nortel Networks 2221 Lakeside Boulevard, M/S 991/14/B20 Richardson, Texas 75082 USA My contact information is set out below. Michelle Lee Nortel Networks IP Counsel 195 The West Mall, 5th Floor Toronto, ON Canada M9C 5K1 Email: