Title: Nortel Networks Statement about IPR claimed in draft-vidya-mipshop-hk-opt-aaa-00
Received: 28 February 2006

Dear Sir,

Nortel Networks Limited has potential intellectual property rights in an
invention that may pertain to at least a portion of the subject matter
of this IETF Internet Draft:
Title: Optimized Derivation of AAA-based Handover Keys
Tag: <draft-vidya-mipshop-hk-opt-aaa-00.txt>

In the event that the technology in this document is included in a
standard adopted by IETF and the unpublished patent application of
Nortel issues which contains claims that are necessary for practicing
the resulting IETF Standard based on this Internet Draft, Nortel
Networks will make available licenses under fair, reasonable,
reciprocal, and non-discriminatory terms under such necessary claims it
owns to fully comply with such IETF Standard.

My contact information is set out below.

Kind Regards,

Michelle Lee
Counsel, IP Law
Nortel Networks Limited
8200 Dixie Road, Ste 100
GMS 036/NO/151
Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T 5P6
Tel: 905-863-1148
Fax: 905-863-8431

Email: mleelaw@nortel.com