Title: Nortel Networks Statement on IPR claimed in draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt  
Date: 28 January 2005 
From: Michelle Lee <mleelaw@nortelnetworks.com> 

Title: Nortel Networks Statement on IPR claimed in

Dear Sir,

Nortel Networks Limited has an issued patent that is believed may pertain to
at least a portion of this IETF Internet Draft:

Title: Reoptimization of MPLS Traffic Engineering loosely routed LSP
Tag: < draft-ietf-ccamp-loose-path-reopt-00.txt >

Nortel Networks U.S. Patent No. 6,560,654 entitled "Apparatus and method of
maintaining timely topology data within a link state routing network" may
contain claims that may be necessary for practicing a resulting IETF
Standard based on this Internet Draft. In this regard, Nortel Networks will
make available licenses on fair, reasonable, reciprocal, and
non-discriminatory terms, including royalties and/or other payments, in the
event such patent contains necessary claims for the purposes of complying
with a resulting IETF Standard based on this Internet Draft.

Licensing requests may be addressed to:

Richard Weiss
Nortel Networks
2221 Lakeside Boulevard, M/S 991/14/B20
Richardson, Texas 75082 USA

My contact information is set out below.

Kind Regards,
Michelle Lee
Counsel, IP Law
Nortel Networks Limited
8200 Dixie Road, Ste 100 GMS 036/NO/151
Brampton, Ontario Canada L6T 5P6
Tel: 905-863-1148 (ESN 333)
Fax: 905-863-8431 (ESN 333)

Email: mleelaw@nortelnetworks.com