NextHop Technologies Statement about IPR claimed in draft-ohara-capwap-lwapp-03
Received: 14 September 2005
From: Susan Hares <>

NextHop Technologies is the holder of 1 or more pending patent
applications related to the LWAPP

(Light Weight Access Point Protocol)specified in the Internet draft:

If technology in this document is included in a standard adopted by IETF
and any claims of any NextHop Technologies patents are necessary for
practicing the standard, any party will have the right to use any such
patent claims under reasonable, non-discriminatory terms to implement
and fully comply with the standard.

Corporate Headquarters:

NextHop Technologies, Inc.
1911 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
Google map and driving directions
Detailed map <>

tel: 650.429.4800

Technical Contact person: Susan Hares, CTO

Phone number: (734)222-1610