KTF Tower, 890-20, Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-280, Korea
(Tel: +82-2-2016-1202 / Fax +82-2-2016-1458)

To: IETF Secretariat
        (Tel: +1+703-620-9071)

From: KTFreetel Co., Ltd.
Date: September 3, 2001
Subject: KTFreetel's IPR notice to IETF

IPR notice on Internet Draft draft-lee-sgm-support-mobileip.xx.txt
IPR notice on Internet Draft draft-lee-xcast-ehternet-xx.txt

This is to affirm that KT Freetel Co., Ltd.  In accordance with long-established practice, will offer paten licenses for submissions made by it which are adopted or recommended as a standard by your organization as follows:

If part(s) of a submission by KT Freetel is(are) included in a standard and KT Freetel has patents and/or pending application(s) that are essential to implementation of such included part(s) in said standard, KT Freetel is prepared to grant - on the basis of reciprocity (grantback) - a license on such included part(s0 on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions.

Please contact:

Officer name: Keok-Keun, Oh
(Vice President/Policy Coorperation)
Email address: osk@ktf.com
Address: KTF Tower, 890-20, Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul 135-280, Korea
Phone number: +82-2-2016-1202
Fax number: +82-2-2016-1458