Received: April 15, 2003 From: Chuck Adams, <WCADAMS@US.IBM.COM> IBM Disclosure Submission to the IETF for RFC's 2338 & 2787 and Internet Drafts dated February 2002 & December, 2002 - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol: ____ IBM Patent Disclosure and Licensing Statement Regarding IETF RFC's (1) 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, April, 1998, and (2) 2787, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol and Internet Drafts, March 2000, (1) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, February 28, 2002 and (2) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol for IPv6, December 5, 2002. ____ IBM submits this Statement to the IETF dated April 15, 2003 for the IETF RFC's (1) 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, and (2) 2787, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol and Internet Drafts (1) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, February 28, 2002 and (2) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol for IPv6, December 5, 2002. IBM patent and patent application disclosures are based upon the working knowledge of those individuals involved with the respective Technical Working Group and do not represent the results of an IBM patent portfolio search. IBM believes the following issued patents may contain one or more claims which may be relevant or facilitating to the compliant implementation of the referenced RFC's and Internet Drafts. US5371852: Method and apparatus for making a cluster of computers appear as a single host on a network, Attanasio, and Smith, December 6, 1994. US6148410: Fault tolerant recoverable TCP/IP connection router, Baskey, Dillenberger, Goldszmidt, Hunt, Levy-Abegnoli, Nick,Schmidt, November 14, 2000. IBM will, upon written request, provide a nonexclusive patent license, with other reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions, for those patents issued to IBM which contain claims related to compliant implementations of the referenced RFC's / Internet Drafts and for which IBM is able to provide patent licenses (including the patents disclosed above). This patent license is available to all entities. If a party requesting a patent license also has claims related to the implementation of the Specifications, IBM will grant patent licenses only if the recipient, in return, will grant IBM a reciprocal license, with substantially identical terms and conditions, under the Requestor鈥(tm)s Claims. Any party wishing to request an IBM patent license, in support of the IETF RFC's (1) 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, and (2) 2787, Definitions of Managed Objects for the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol and Internet Drafts (1) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, February 28, 2002 and (2) Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol for IPv6, December 5, 2002, should write to:: IBM Director of Intellectual Property & Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive, Armonk, N.Y., 10504 Or fax to: IBM Director of Intellectual Property & Licensing (914) 765-4420