Title: ECI's Statement About IPR Claimed in RFC 3135
Received: November 17, 2003
From: Gil.Ingel@ecitele.com

Dear Sirs,

ECI Telecom Ltd. (ECI) hereby advises the IETF that it holds a US patent
No. 6,424,626 (and a number of corresponding applications) that it believes
to be essential to the PILC group, RFC 3135. In accordance with RFC 2026,
ECI decalres its willingness to make available nonexclusive licenses to
such patent rights it owns under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms
and conditions, solely to the extent such technology is essential to comply
with such IETF standard.

For any inquiry related to this statement, please contact:

Dr. Gil Ingel
Corporate VP for Intellectual Property
30 Hasivim Street
Petach Tikva 49517

Fax: +972-3-9268976
E-mail: gil.ingel@ecitele.com

Dr. Gil Ingel
Corporate Vice President
Intellectual Property
ECI Telecom Ltd.
30 Hasivim St. Petach-Tikva, Israel 49517
e-mail : gil.ingel@ecitele.com
phone : +972-3-9268534
fax : +972-3-9268976