IETF Secretariat
c/o Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100
Reston, VA 20191-5434

Dear Sir or Madam:

        Crossroads employees are involved in various IETF working 
        groups.  In conjunction with its participation in IETF 
        activities and in accordance with RFC 2026, Crossroads 
        makes the following statement:

Crossroads may have patents or patent applications that cover or 
potentially cover technology a Crossroads employee contributes for 
use in an IETF standard, including the iSCSI protocol under 
development in the IP Storage (ips) working group.  In the event 
a specific IETF standard cannot be practiced without the use of 
an issued Crossroads patent or patents, Crossroads agrees, upon 
written request, to negotiate a limited nonexclusive license to 
practices the patent(s) for the sole purpose of implementing that 
IETF standard, and no others, in products that are fully compliant 
with that IETF standard.

        Crossroads will offer such a license on a nondiscriminatory 
        basis and on reasonable terms and conditions.  Crossroads 
        cannot represent that the terms and conditions will be identical 
        for all products and for all companies.  Furthermore, the 
        potential licensee must be prepared to offer Crossroads a 
        comparable cross-license to any of the potential licensee's 
        patents that apply or could potentially apply to Crossroads' 
        products. Such licensing negotiations will be held with the 
        parties concerned and will be conducted outside IETF.

Parties may obtain further information by contacting:

Patricia E. Prince-Taggart
Vice President and Corporate Counsel
Crossroads Systems, Inc.
8300 North Mo Pac Expressway
Austin, TX  78759


Patricia Prince-Taggart