Title: Convedia's statement about IPR claimed in draft-melanchuk-sipping-msml and draft-melanchuk-sipping-moml Received: June 22, 2003 From: Garland Sharratt <gsharratt@convedia.com> This statement sets forth the position of Convedia Corporation ("Convedia") with regard to the following specifications submitted to the IETF: - Media Sessions Markup Language (MSML), draft-melanchuk-sipping-msml, and - Media Objects Markup Language (MOML), draft-melanchuk-sipping-moml, together known as the "Specifications". It is Convedia's desire that the Specifications achieve the widest possible use within the industry. In order to accomplish this, Convedia hereby makes it known that it is releasing the Specifications into the public domain. Convedia has no patent(s) covering the Specifications, no pending patent application(s) covering the Specifications, and no intention to file patent application(s) covering the Specifications. For further information, contact: Garland Sharratt VP, Business Development & Chief Architect Convedia 4190 Still Creek Drive, Suite 300 Vancouver, BC, Canada V5C 6C6 gsharratt@convedia.com Tel: +1.604.918.6300