I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder"): 

Certicom Corp.

II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application:

Karl Burger, 1-905-501-3837, kburger@certicom.com 

III. Contact Information for the IETF Participant Whose Personal Belief Trigger this Disclosure:

Matthew Campagna, 1-905-507-4220, mcampagna@certicom.com 

IV. IETF Document or Other Contribution to Which this IPR Disclosure Relates:

RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks, draft-ietf-roll-rpl-10

V. Disclosure of Patent Information (i.e., patents or patent applications required to be disclosed by section 6 of RFC3979)

A. US5600725, granted on February 4, 1997, published;
B. US6704870, granted on March 9, 2004, published;
C. US7215773, granted on May 8, 2007, published;
D. US7249259, granted on July 24, 2007, published;
E. US20050154882, published July 14, 2005; 
F. US20080141036, published 12 June 2008; and,

by corresponding patent families in other jurisdictions, respectively.

VI. Licensing Declaration:

If the standard reference in IV., supra, is adopted, Certicom Corp. will, upon 
request and after providing a written confirmation of the terms herein, provide 
a non-exclusive, royalty-free patent license, to permit end users (including 
both client and server sides), to use such essential patents owned by Certicom 
Corp. when implementing the above specification subject to the following 
limitations and provided that the following conditions are met in full:

1. Certicom Corp. retains the right to assert any of its patents (including the 
right to claim past royalties) against any party that asserts a patent it owns 
or controls (either directly or indirectly) against Certicom Corp., and/or any 
of Certicom's Affiliates or successors in title (collectively "Certicom").  If 
any such assertion is made against Certicom, then a material term of this 
license has not been met and any purported previous license pursuant to this 
declaration is revoked and shall be treated as if it never existed; Certicom 
retains the right to assert any of its patents (including the right to claim 
past royalties) against any party that asserts a patent it owns or controls 
(either directly or indirectly) against a Certicom product or service, either 
alone or in combination with other products or services. If any such assertion 
is made against a Certicom product or service, then a material term of this 
license has not been met and any purported previous license pursuant to this 
declaration is revoked and shall be treated as if it never existed; 

2. Certicom retains the right to assert its patents against any product, service 
or portion thereof that is not essential to elements of the above specification.

3. Any public keys utilized in an implementation of ECPVS according to this IETF 
specification are extracted from a certificate issued from a Certicom-licensed 
Certificate Authority ("CA"); and

4. The party requesting a license must provide reciprocal licensing terms to 
Certicom for all Certicom products and services.  

The license granted does not extend, either explicitly or implicitly, to any 
protocol other than that referenced in IV., supra.  If any party does not agree 
to all of the above terms, Certicom will also negotiate a license to the 
essential Certicom patents under FRAND terms subject to reciprocity and 
defensive suspension. 

"Affiliate" of Certicom Corp. means any legal entity that is for the time being 
directly or indirectly in control of or controlled by Certicom Corp.  Control in 
this context, exists where one entity owns more than fifty percent (50%) of the 
voting stock or equity in another entity, or regardless of stock or equity 
ownership, is otherwise able to direct its affairs or to appoint a majority of 
the members of the board of directors or an equivalent body to determine the 
course of action of the entity by virtue of its voting or other rights. Such 
entities shall only be deemed to be Affiliates, hereunder for as long as such 
control exists.

VII. Contact Information of Submitter of this Form
David Lewis, 1-905-501-3771, dlewis@certicom.com