Name: Alcatel Lucent

Contact for Licensing:

Donald P. Dinella, Esq.
Chief Technology Counsel & VP, Global IP Operations
Intellectual Property & Standards Department
600 Mountain Avenue, PO Box 636
Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974, USA
908 582 8582<>

RFC: 6073

Patent Information: US 7948900; US 7782847
Grant date: 5/24/2011; 8/24/2010
Country: USA

Licensing Declaration:

c) Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory License to All Implementers with Possible Royalty/Fee.
With the following additional information

Subject to a license agreement being made before use of our Essential Patents (as hereinafter 
defined) and subject to a reciprocal license under similar conditions being available to Alcatel 
Lucent and its Subsidiaries under Essential Patents of the applicant, Alcatel Lucent hereby declares:

- Alcatel Lucent believes that US 7948900 and US 7782847 may be essential to the above named RFC and,
- if such invention is technically unavoidable to implement such IETF Standard ("Essential Patent"),

Alcatel Lucent is prepared to grant licenses under such Essential Patent of Alcatel Lucent on 
non-discriminatory, reasonable terms and conditions for implementation of such IETF Standard in any 
country where such IETF Standard is to be applied and a pertinent Essential Patent of Alcatel Lucent 
or any of its Subsidiaries does exist.

Definition of Subsidiaries: "Subsidiaries" of Alcatel Lucent shall mean all companies controlled by 
Alcatel Lucent, "to control" within the meaning of this declaration means to have directly or 
indirectly, a controlling interest in such company, at any time after this declaration has been 
given and as long as such an interest exists, by owning a majority of the voting stock or equivalent 
voting rights.

Contact Information of Submitter:

Hung Ling
Corporate Standards
Intellectual Property & Standards Department
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
+1 9085824734