Received July 26, 2002 From: "McCann, Stephen" <> This email is to inform you that Siemens believes it may have at least one IPR associated with RFC 3321 "SigComp Extended" (previously : draft-ietf-rohc-sigcomp-extended-04.txt). "Siemens may have patent rights on technology described in a document which employees of Siemens contribute for use in IETF standards discussions. In relation to any IETF standard incorporating any such technology, Siemens hereby agrees to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms, based on reciprocity, any patent claims it owns covering such technology, to the extent such technology is essential to comply with such standard." Kind regards Stephen McCann Siemens Roke Manor Romsey UK tel : +44 1794 833341 fax : +44 1794 833434