Received: January 6, 2003
From: Miriam Kadansky - SUN Microsystems <Miriam.Kadansky@Sun.COM>

If parts of Sun's intellectual property are included in a Zero
Configuration Routing standard and Sun has copyrights, patents,
and/or pending application(s) that are essential to implementation
of such included part(s) in said standard, Sun is prepared to grant
to the IETF - on the basis of reciprocity (grantback) - a
nonexclusive license on such included part(s) on reasonable and
nondiscriminatory terms and conditions.

Written requests for licenses may be sent to:

        Dr. Jim Mitchell
        Vice President and Sun Fellow
        Sun Microsystems Laboratories
        Mail Stop UMTV29-01
        2600 Casey Ave.
        Mountain View, CA 94043