Received: November 12, 2002 From: "Richard Abramson" <> SRI International has filed one or more patents (the "Patents") protecting the inventions described in its TBRPF submission to the IETF. If SRI's submission, or material portions thereof, is accepted and becomes part of an IETF standard (the "Standard"), then SRI will and hereby does grant any entity wishing to practice the Standard a non-exclusive, royalty-free license under the Patents to the extent, but only to the extent, that such license is required to implement (a) mandatory elements of the Standard; or (b) elements of SRI's submission that are explicitly specified (and not merely incorporated by reference) in the Standard. Such license shall automatically become effective at the time the IETF formally adopts the Standard. In addition, if any element(s) of SRI's TBRPF submission to the IETF is included in a standards-track protocol (the "Joint Protocol") that is developed jointly by SRI and other members of the IETF Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks working group, SRI will -- whether or not such Joint Protocol is ultimately adopted as the Standard -- grant any entity wishing to practice such Joint Protocol a non-exclusive, royalty-free license under the Patents to incorporate such Joint Protocol into their research and/or products. Such license shall automatically become effective at the time any element of SRI's TBRPF submission to the IETF is included in a standards-track protocol. Use of any elements of SRI's submission that are neither required in order to implement the Standard nor explicitly specified in the Standard will require an additional license from SRI under terms to be negotiated between the parties. While the protocol disclosed in SRI's submission is being evaluated by the IETF or is described in an experimental RFC, whether on the standards track or otherwise, SRI will and hereby does grant any party a license to utilize, test and evaluate such protocol for non-commercial, research purposes.