Title: RAD Data Communications statement about IPR claimed in draft-ietf-pwe3-tdmoip-02 Received: 22 July, 2004 From: Yaakov Stein <yaakov_s@rad.com> The following disclosure pertains to US patent 6,731,649 TDM OVER IP (IP CIRCUIT EMULATION SERVICE) issued May 4, 2004, and similar patents in other countries. RAD Data Communications, Ltd is prepared to grant, on the basis of reciprocity, a free license to an unrestricted number of applicants on a worldwide, non-discriminatory basis to manufacture, use and/or sell implementations of the technology covered in the above patent, to the extent that this technology is essential to comply with IETF specifications. Contact for license application: Yael Langer, General Counsel E-mail: Yael_L@Rad.Com Contact for technology issues: Yaakov (Jonathan) Stein, Chief Scientist Email: Yaakov_S@Rad.Com