Title: PacketFront Sweden's Statement about IPR claimed in 
Update Received: July 1, 2004
From: Mats Jonsson <mats.jonsson@packetfront.com>

Based on a request from the IETF Dynamic Host Configuration WG, PacketFront
Sweden AB hereby would like to make an additional update of its IPR
notification from April 17, 2003 and January 29, 2004.

The document draft-ietf-dhc-subscriber-id-06.txt describes technology or
solutions for which PacketFront has related patents or patent applications

If a document based on this draft becomes an IETF standard PacketFront is
prepared to provide a royalty-free license, on otherwise reasonable and
non-discriminatory terms based on reciprocity (grant back), any related
PacketFront patents to the extent required to comply with the standard.

Stockholm June 30, 2004

PacketFront Sweden AB

Mats Jonsson

Update Received: February 2, 2004
From: Mats Jonsson <mats.jonsson@packetfront.com>

The document draft-ietf-dhc-subscriber-id-X.txt describes technology or
solutions for which PacketFront has related patents or patent applications

If a document based on this draft becomes an IETF standard PacketFront is
prepared to license, on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms, any related
PacketFront patents to the extent required to comply with the standard.

PacketFront Sweden AB

Mats E. Jonsson

Deputy CEO

Received: April 17, 2003
From: Mats Jonsson <mats.jonsson@packetfront.com>

Subject: Notification of Intellectual Property Rights in Certain DHCP Technology

Dear Sir or Madam: 
As a member of IETF, PacketFront Sweden AB, would like to notify you that we may 
obtain intellectual property rights, including patent rights, in patent applications
 presently filed, or to be filed in the future, in the United States as well as other 
Patent Cooperation Treaty countries in relation to certain DHCP technology described 
in two Internet Drafts related to DHCP Subscriber and Server ID Suboptions. 
In particular, you are referred to the DHCP technology described in a Internet Draft
 entitled DHCP Subscriber ID Suboption for DHCP Relay Agent Option, dated January
22, 2003, file reference: <draft-ietf-dhc-subscriber-id-00.txt>), as well as a second
Internet Draft entitled DHCP Server ID Override Suboption, dated February 13, 2003, file 
reference: <draft-ietf-dhc- server-override-00.txt>). 
This notice is provided consistent with the terms and conditions regarding our 
membership in the IETF set forth in "The Internet Standards Process - Revision 3,11 
(RFC 2026) dated October 1996, including in particular section 10 related to 
Intellectual Property Matters. If you have any comments or questions, or need any 
further information, feel free to contact us. 
Finally, we would appreciate it if you would kindly acknowledge receipt of this email 
for our records. 
Stockholm April 17, 2003

Yours sincerely,

PacketFront Sweden AB
Mats E. Jonsson
Deputy CEO