Title: Linear Technology CorporationÕs Statement of IPR Related to draft-thubert-6tsch-architecture-02
Submitted Date: 2013-07-29
Submitted By: Thomas Watteyne <twatteyne@linear.com>

*I. Patent Holder/Applicant ("Patent Holder") *

Linear Technology Corporation

*II. Patent Holder's Contact for License Application*

Name: John England

Title: Corporate & Intellectual Property Counsel

e-mail: jengland@linear.com

*III. IETF Document or Other Contribution to Which this IPR Disclosure

ÒAn Architecture for IPv6 over Timeslotted Channel HoppingÓ


*The text of the original IPR declaration:*

Linear Technology Corporation is the owner of US Patent Nos. 7873043,
7420980, 8194655, 7529217, and 8059629 relating to the subject matter of
"An Architecture for IPv6 over Timeslotted Channel Hopping"

If technology in this document is included in a Standard adopted by the
IETF, and any claims of these patents are necessary for practicing
that Standard,
any party will have the right to use any such claims under reasonable,
non-discriminatory terms, with reciprocity, to implement and fully comply
with that Standard. If that Standard is adopted, under the reasonable,
non-discriminatory terms, Linear Technology Corporation will not assert the
claims against any party for making, using, selling, importing or offering
for sale any product implementing or necessary for compliance with that
However, Linear Technology Corporation retains the right to assert its
patents, including right to claim past royalties, against any party that
asserts against Linear Technology or any of its affiliates or successors in
title, or against any products of Linear, any claims of a patent the party
owns or controls, directly or indirectly, where such asserted claims are
necessary for practicing that Standard.