Received: July 8, 2002 From: "Malin Gullstrand (EAB)" <> License statement IETF- hmipv6 PATENT LICENSE UNDERTAKING In the MobileIP Working Group in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the proposal "Hierarchical mobility management in IPv6" (draft-ietf-mobileip-hmipv6-06.txt), dated July 2002, has been made (July 5 2002). In the following, said submission and any future revision of said submission is referred to as "the hmipv6 submission". Ericsson's general patent license statement ( also applies to the hmipv6 submission. In addition, for the hmipv6 submission, if said submission is included in an IETF standard and Ericsson has patents that are essential to the implementation of such included submission in said standard, Ericsson is prepared to grant - on the basis of reciprocity -a paid up, nonexclusive, royalty free license on such patents for the purpose of implementing said standard, if and only if practiced under any software distributed under the present terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ( or practiced under any operating system software in which all major components of the operating system - including the kernel, device drivers and libraries necessary to run a program - are distributed under the terms of a license that conforms to the present OPEN SOURCE DEFINITION ( For software not distributed under the present terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE or distributed under the terms of a license that does not conform to the present OPEN SOURCE DEFINITION (, Ericsson's general patent license statement as referred to above, shall apply.