Received June 13, 2002
From: "Michael Luby" <>

This letter affirms that Digital Fountain, Inc. (Digital Fountain), in
accordance with long-established practice, will offer patent licenses for
submissions made by it that are adopted or recommended as a standard by the
IETF as follows:

If part(s) of a submission by Digital Fountain is (are) incorporated in an
IETF standard and Digital Fountain has patents and/or pending patent
applications that are essential for the implementation of such included
part(s), Digital Fountain is prepared to grant, on the basis of reciprocity
(grantback), a nonexclusive license on such included part(s) on reasonable,
non-discriminatory terms and conditions.

For further information, please contact:
Joseph Vo
Assistant General Counsel
Digital Fountain, Inc.
39141 Civic Center Drive
Fremont, California 94538
Telephone: +1.510.284.1400
Facsimile: +1.510.284.1499