Received November 14, 2001
From: Robert Barr <>

Cisco is the owner of US Patent No. 6,167,445, and at least one other
pending patent relating to the subject matter of several Internet Drafts
relating to policy-based management of QoS, including
draft-ietf-diffserv-pib-05.txt entitled "Differentiated Services Quality of
Service Policy Information Base". If one or more standards for policy-based
management of QoS are adopted by IETF and any claims of any issued Cisco
patents are necessary for practicing any such standards, any party will be
able to obtain a license from Cisco to use any such patent claims under
reasonable, non-discriminatory terms, with reciprocity, to implement and
fully comply with the standard.

For information contact:
Robert Barr
Worldwide Patent Counsel
Cisco Systems