User Services Area Report
                         Washington, D.C.
		    Joyce K. Reynolds (USAD)

Six active working groups and one BOF were held in the User Services
Area (USV) of the IETF in Washington, D.C.


Internet School Networking (ISN) session chaired by Jodi Ito and Sepi
Boroumand.  Reported by Jodi Ito.

The ISN Working group met on Monday at 3:40pm.  Each of the three
projects were discussed: the Help Desk document, Common Pitfalls
document, and the ISN web pages.  Additions, revisions, and comments
were made on each with further discussion to be continued on the
mailing list.

The ISN charter was reviewed and discussed.  The advocacy and
articulation are still needed but the goals and milestones need to be
updated.  Discussion regarding the future of ISN mentioned looking at
the newer Internet technologies and seeing how the related to


Responsible Use of the Network (RUN), chaired by Sally Hambridge and
Gary Malkin.  Reported by Gary Malkin.

The RUN WG met for a one-hour session on Tuesday.  We quickly
discussed the "Don't Spew" Internet Draft and believe it is almost
ready to go to the RFC Editor.  The majority of the meeting was spent
reviewing the "Make Enemies Fast" (working title) document sent to the
mailing list.  The group believes this document can be ready for final
review at the Los Angeles IETF.


Site Security Handbook WG (SSH), chaired by Barbara Fraser.  Reported
by Barbara Fraser.

The SSH working group met once this IETF meeting. The group discussed
the current user security handbook draft and decided to do the
following things to further clarify the audience and to help the
reader with concepts and terminology:

	- pull out all content that is specific only to users who
          administrate their machines and place it in the "Home Alone"
	- incorporate  definitions into the content and use formatting
          tricks to guide the reader
	- create a glossary for the end of the document.

We expect to publish the next draft by the beginning of February and
have a final draft by the next IETF meeting in Los Angeles.


User Services Working Group (USWG) chaired by Joyce K. Reynolds.
Reported by JKRey.

A report on IETF User Services Area activities was presented by Joyce
Reynolds, which included news on related USV Area FYI RFC publications
and current Internet-Drafts since the last IETF.  Liaison with other
IETF areas included a WEBPRIV BOF (USV/APPS) at this IETF.

Reports on related global liaison group activities and international
conferences were reported.  A TERENA Networking Conference will be
held in 1998.  TERENA's "Guide to Network Resource Tools" is in
process of being published.  Hopefully, both in book format by
Addison-Wesley and as an update to FYI 23 (RFC 1580).  Peter
Valkenburg and Joyce are working with key players to finalize

George Munroe provided a presentation, update, and discussion on the
TERENA/IETF ETINU Project.  Updates of Internet Scout activities were
provided by Susan Calcari.

The rest of the session focused on the USWG's document update project
of FYI 4, RFC 1594 ("FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to Commonly
asked "New Internet User" Questions").  This was lead by Jodi Ito and
Sepi Boroumand.


Web User Privacy: Expectations and Threats BOF (WEBPRIV), chaired by
Larry Masinter.  Reported by JKRey.

This BOF was held to canvas for interest in creating a working group
aimed at creating a set of guidelines which will aid both system
administrators and protocol designers: what are the nature of the
threats to user privacy, and what are some of the mechanisms and
policies that are necessary to avoid such threats.

Presentations on hit metering, state management (aka Cookies), and
operational issues were discussed.  Plans for a chartered working
group to develop a guidelines document in the USV Area will continue
to be discussed until the next IETF in Los Angeles.


Guide for Internet Standards Writer WG (STDGuide)

This WG is a combined endeavor of the USV and OPS Areas of the IETF.
Their summary report has been filed with the OPS Area Report.


Integrated Directory Services WG (IDS)

This WG is a combined endeavor of the USV and APPS Areas of the IETF.
Their summary report has been filed with the APPS Area Report.
