>Minutes of the ADSL BOF Held December 10th at the 40th IETF Washington
>The following are the associated notes and outcomes:
>The ADSL BOF was held to determine interest in establishing a WG to 
>standardize MIBs for ADSL and to bring visibility to specific protocol 
>issues being encountered by the high speed access community.
>Dave Allan presented an overview of ADSL technology (see attached 
>slides). Gigi Karmous-Edwards outlined the management issues. Discussion 
>ensued. A requirement for a line MIB (pre-existing work from the ADSL 
>Forum is proposed as a starting point) and a CPE MIB (new work) was 
>discussed. The chief focus of the discussions was a clarification on 
>what was required of the CPE MIB. This was clarified as a "device MIB" 
>similar to what is being addressed in IPCDN WG. Some clarification was 
>required in that the access provider and the service provider would have 
>separate management domains. It was pointed out that a MIB was 
>relatively non-contentious and chartering a WG to "fast track" such a 
>MIB was a small thing.
>Dave Allan raised protocol issues w.r.t. high speed connections for home 
>LANs and extending the IP service set that can be delivered with PPP 
>over ATM. The absence of 802.1p/q solutions in the home among the list 
>suggested was questioned. It was proposed that the extensions to the 
>service set be addressed by Internet Drafts such that the proposals 
>could be more successfully critiqued.
>The BOF wound up with agreement that a group could be chartered to 
>define the MIB and there was interest and willing bodies to do so.

For further information:

Dave Allan, 		

Gigi Karmous-Edwards