User Services Area


   o Joyce K. Reynolds:

Area Summary reported by Joyce Reyolds/Information Sciences Institute

Six active working groups and one BOF (RTL) were held in the User
Services Area (USV) of the IETF in Stockholm, Sweden.  The HARTS Working
Group did not meet.

Read The Label BOF (RTL)

The RTL BOF, chaired by Vint Cerf, was held in response to the many
``content-labeling'' proposals that have been proposed on various
Internet e-mail lists, including the IETF list.  The chair asked the
attendees to answer two questions:  1) Should IETF deal with this; and
2) what kind of mechanisms might be suitable?  The resulting summary of
actions are to be considered:

  1. A working group could be formed in the IETF to look at a narrow way
     of dealing with this problem; address the issue that if a browser
     or server were to be created, schools or parents could acquire and
     run these tools.

  2. Enough other activity is occurring that we should take advantage of

  3. Have longer term possibilities that metadata could be used for
     other purposes.

  4. A short term working group is being considered that would establish
     the means for ``kids places.''  A metadata group exists already.

Internet School Networking Working Group (ISN)

The ISN Working Group met on Monday and the session was broadcast on the
MBONE. After introductions of attendees, many of whom were first-time
IETF attendees, the first item of business was to review the ISN
charter.  Dates of milestones were adjusted to reflect the minimal
progress on several projects.  The update of RFC 1578/FYI 22 was
initiated by reviewing the outline of questions submitted by Jennifer
Sellers and Julie Robichaux which resulted in a fairly active
discussion.  The two other ISN projects; the educational projects
directory (listed as the K-12 directory project on the agenda) and
document repository; were re-visited and a call for volunteers was
issued to move the projects forward.  As there was much international
representation, people offered to ``find the right people'' in their
countries (e.g., people in the educational field who are unable to
attend IETF). Time ran out and it was concluded that much of the work
will be carried out on the mailing list.

Internet User Glossary Working Group (USERGLOS)

The reactivated USERGLOS Working Group met for the first time in
Stockholm.  The purpose of the session was to update the existing
``Internet Users' Glossary'' (RFC 1392, FYI 18).  A small, but
dedicated, group of individuals approved the charter and proceeded with
a review of the RFC. Several dozen new terms were selected for inclusion
in the Glossary's revision.  Several dozen other terms were determined
to need revision or verification.  The attendees will be added to the
mailing list, and that list will then be used to submit entries for the
new terms.  An Internet-Draft will be ready sufficiently prior to the
Dallas IETF for review at that meeting.

Network Training Materials Working Group (TRAINMAT)

Those attending the meeting reported on the various network training
activities that they had been involved with, including the ISOC Workshop
for Technologically Developing Countries, the interactive video training
in the Hawaiian Islands, the Norwegian distance learning Internet
course, the US Globe project, and others.  The meeting discussed at some
length the form and content of the Catalogue of Training Materials,
which with vigorous culling, is now in a reasonable state and with a
little more work, will be ready for submission as an RFC.

Responsible Use of the Network Working Group (RUN)

The Responsible Use of the Network Working Group met to review the
Internet-Draft of the Netiquette Guide.  The general format was
approved, followed by a complete review of all four sections of the
draft.  There were some minor, specific changes to various bullet items
which will be reflected in the next, hopefully final, Internet-Draft.
The document should be ready to submit as an FYI RFC prior to the Dallas

Site Security Handbook Working Group (SSH)

The Site Security Handbook Working Group met twice during the Stockholm
IETF. During the two sessions, the group reviewed the contents of the
current Internet-Draft.  Assignments were made for the missing sections
and it was agreed to work towards a new Internet-Draft by November 1.

User Services Working Group (USWG)

A report on IETF User Services Area activities was presented by Joyce
Reynolds, which included USV Area Working Group status and related USV
Area Internet-Drafts.

David Hartland provided a liaison report on the TERENA ISUS meeting held
on Sunday, 16 July.  Other reports were presented on additional related
global liaison group activities and international conferences, including
the IESG and USV Area presentations at the RIPE meeting plenary, the
annual Joint European Networking Conference (JENC), the ISOC Workshop
for Developing Countries, and the INET95 Conference.

Progress/discussion of USWG projects included the USV-WEB, USV-HTML, and
USV-TV. In the last 15 minutes of the session, April Marine reported on
the current status of the NISI Working Group.