Internet Area


   o Frank Kastenholz:
   o Susan Thomson:

Area Summary reported by Frank Kastenholz/FTP Software and
Susan Thomson/Bellcore

The following working groups met during the July IETF meeting in
Stockholm, Sweden:

   o DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update Working Group (DNSIND)
   o IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Working Group (IPATM)
   o MessageWay Working Group (MSGWAY)
   o Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions Working Group (PPPEXT)
   o Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

The following working groups did not meet:

   o Dynamic Host Configuration Working Group (DHC)
   o IPv6 MIB Working Group (IPV6MIB)
   o Internet Stream Protocol V2 Working Group (ST2)

DNS IXFR, Notification, and Dynamic Update Working Group (DNSIND)

The changes to the three current DNSIND draft documents on dynamic
updates, incremental zone transfer and notify since the last IETF
meeting were discussed.  In the case of the dynamic updates draft, there
was one major change:  a new message format.  Further comments were
solicited from the working group.  Suggestions included some small
technical and editorial changes.  The working group agreed that the
drafts, after revision, would be submitted for working group last call
before the next IETF.

A draft was proposed suggesting a way to support delegation on non-octet
boundaries in the IN-ADDR.ARPA domain, without any DNS protocol changes.
The working group agreed that the draft should be published either as an
Informational or BCP RFC.

IP Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode Working Group (IPATM)

The changes to the MARS multicast draft since the last IETF were
reported, and the changes to be made in the forthcoming draft were
described.  Changes include better group support, and a new
encapsulation.  In subsequent discussion, it was agreed that a cluster
scope be the same as a LIS for the time being, with the potential for
expansion to enable cut-through routing in the future.

The latest revision of the IP/ATM framework document was described and
its status discussed.  It is the intention that once closure is reached
on the basics, it should be published as an Informational RFC. The
document may be revised as needed.

A new document has been submitted describing issues associated with
designing an IP/ATM multicast mechanism as solicited by the working
group at the last IETF meeting.  An overview was given.

Preliminary work on integrating support for quality of service and
short-cut routing was also reported.

Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions Working Group (PPPEXT)

The PPPEXT Working Group met for one two-hour session.  Frank
Kastenholz, Internet Area co-Director, made a presentation on the status
of the Motorola patent claim and the Compression and Encryption Control
Protocols.  After some discussion by the working group, a consensus
developed that the CCP and ECP would be modified to avoid the key parts
of the Motorola patent.  Keith Sklower made a presentation of his draft
specification for the DES Cypher Block Chaining Encryption Algorithm.
After some discussion, the working group consensus was that the draft
was acceptable.  A number of revisions to the PPP Multi-Link document
were proposed.  Some were editorial, some substantive.  Details of the
revisions can be found in the minutes.  The PPP Multi-Link author will
incorporate the revisions and produce a new draft.  A discussion of
Multi-Link issues in ISDN was held.  The discussion revolved around
certain operating modes.  Some problems were identified and the
Multi-Link author will work to resolve them.

MessageWay Working Group (MSGWAY)

The MSGWAY Working Group met for one session.  The charter was reviewed
and accepted by the working group.  The outline of the End-to-End
protocol, which was posted to the mailing list, was reviewed and
discussed.  Additional review and discussion will be held on the mailing
list.  A first draft will be developed based on the discussion.  An
interim meeting will be scheduled in about six weeks.  Further details
will be sent to the mailing list.

Service Location Protocol Working Group (SVRLOC)

The SVRLOC Working Group met for one session.  Changes to the protocol
specification, made as a result of Area Director review and working
group last call, were reviewed and accepted by the working group.  Some
additional minor edits are needed.  The document will then be submitted
for standardization.  The working group then discussed additional work
items and agreed to start developing informational documents to describe
how the protocol should be used.