Distribution and Announcement BOF (DAWG)

Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics

The DAWG BOF was chaired by Gary Malkin.  Notes were taken by Marsha


   o Introduction of the problem
   o Refreshers for previous discussions of the problem
   o List potential solutions
   o Rate solutions on ease of implementation and potential impact
   o Do we need a working group

The issue before the group was ``How to put the information produced
within the User Services Area out to the users.''  The problem has
always been a classic ``chicken and egg'' problem:  a user needs to know
how to use the Internet in order to get information on how to use the
Internet.  This problem has surfaced in USWG several times in the past
few years.

After a brief discussion of what might be done, the issue was raised as
to whether or not anything needed to be done.  After all, this problem
has rooted many IETFs in the past.  It was pointed out that there are
now many books available, for people not yet connected to the Internet.
In many cases, the books are of a quality we would be hard pressed to
match.  It was also pointed out that there are already many other
organizations which serve to educate users.

Another thought was that the group might work to automate distribution
of documentation.  However, several such efforts are already underway in
the InterNIC and with USV-Web.  It was also felt that this is something
service providers should be doing too.  Any other issues are already
being addressed as part of NISI or within USWG. Since it appeared that
there were no issues to address, it was unanimously decided to bury the


Sepideh Boroumand        sepideh@jacks.gsfc.nasa.gov
Lloyd Brodsky            lbrodsky@rocksolid.com
Susan Calcari            susanc@internic.net
Jodi-Ann Chu             jodi@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu
Robert Enger             enger@seka.reston.ans.net
Jill Foster              Jill.Foster@newcastle.ac.uk
Arlene Getchell          getchell@es.net
Deborah Hamilton         debbieh@internic.net
Lenore Jackson           jackson@nsipo.arc.nasa.gov
Barbara Jennings         bjjenni@sandia.gov
Robert Kummerfeld        bob@cs.su.oz.au
Gary Malkin              gmalkin@xylogics.com
April Marine             april@atlas.arc.nasa.gov
Marsha Perrott           perrott@prep.net
Joyce K. Reynolds        jkrey@isi.edu
Suzanne Smith            smith@es.net
Milan Sova               sova@feld.cvut.cz