Netiquette BOF (ABBY)

Reported by Martyne Hallgren/Cornell University


   o Explore the overall principles which underly the creation of a
     netiquette document.
      -  What is the goal (i.e., what action do we wish to achieve)?
      -  Who is the audience?
      -  What is the scope?
      -  Are there legal ramifications?

   o Examine the process of writing such a document.
      -  What are the elements to be addressed?
      -  Per application---for example, e-mail.
      -  Ten commandments.

   o Identify existing documents that are available today.
      -  RFC 1087.
      -  Rinaldi---available via anonymous FTP.
      -  Hambridge---document for INTEL.
      -  Various chapters in books.

   o Other Issues


The BOF was held due to the interest shown by various people over the
last several months in creating such a document.  Dave Sincoski stated
that ISOC had made a resolution to create a code of conduct document,
and he agreed to ask this group to fill that need.

There was lively discussion regarding the kind of document that is
actually needed.  Will this be a document which will guide a service
provider in creating their own netiquette statement, or something that
is intended for users?

The problems pertaining to generality (which would make the document
universal) versus specificity (which would make the document useful in
particular instances, useless in others) were discussed at length.  This
conflict was restated by describing the document as being a statement of
minimal guidelines of enforced behavior versus an ethical, or
idealistic, code that people aspire to.  While there may be some basic
code of civilized network behavior, the group recognized that what some
might identify as ``common courtesy,'' others may view as infringement
on academic freedom or freedom of speech.

The group agreed that since there were both interest and people to
pursue the topic, a working group should be formed to create an FYI RFC
on the responsible use of the Internet and its tools.  A draft charter
and timeline were created.  The co-chairs for the working group will be
Sally Hambridge and Gary Malkin.