Editor's Note:  Minutes received 11/18/92


Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics

Minutes of the Traceroute BOF (TRACERTE)


   o Discuss the need for a Traceroute protocol.
   o Review the Internet Draft.
   o Determine if any additional information should be included.
   o Consider alternate proposals (if any)
   o Determine if a Working Group is needed.

Unfortunately, I believe I have the honor of Chairing the first BOF to
be attended by only one person, myself.  I therefore declared myself a
committee of the whole for the purpose of discussing the items on the

The need for a Traceroute protocol is unclear.  However, the Internet
Draft was unanimously approved as read.

No alternate proposals were put forth.

A Working Group is not needed.

It was decided that the Internet Draft should be submitted for
consideration as an Experimental Protocol.


Gary Malkin              gmalkin@xylogics.com
