Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/2/92


Reported by Deborah Estrin/USC and Tony Li/cisco

Minutes of the Source Demand Routing Protocol BOF (SDRP)

At the SDRP BOf we started out by introducing the Charter and then spent
most of the rest of the time discussing tasks and priorities.


The SDRP Working Group is chartered to specify, standardize and promote
the use of SDRP (Source Demand Routing Protocol) as an interdomain
routing protocol capability in conjunction with IDRP and BGP interdomain
routing protocols.  The purpose of SDRP (pronounced ``esdrip'', to go
with ``eyedrip'', which is how IDRP is pronounced) is to support
source-initiated selection of interdomain routes, to complement the
intermediate node selection provided by BGP/IDRP.

Tasks and Issues

   o Packet forwarding and control message format and protocol for IP. A
     draft specification is currently an Internet-Draft.  It is under
     revision and the authors eagerly await more comments on the current
     or future drafts.

   o Configuration and Usage.  This is the highest priority after the
     draft specification in order to demonstrate how SDRP can be used to
     achieve concrete objectives.  Work should begin on this document

   o Internal SDRP. Several attendees commented that they would like to
     have SDRP functionality within domains and for that reason we added
     an item, intra-domain, or ``Internal SDRP'' (ISDRP) to the list.
   o Extensions to BGP and IDRP. As mentioned in the Internet-Draft
     there are a few extensions to BGP/IDRP needed to support SDRP.
     These must be detailed and documented.

   o MIBs.  As needed for any protocol.

   o Deployment.  We will develop both an experimentation and deployment

   o Information Distribution.  The initial versions of SDRP will use
     only information from IDRP/BGP and configured information as the
     basis for constructing source routes.  We will develop mechanisms
     for distribution/acquisition of information to allow SDRP to
     construct a richer set of routes.


We also outlined a proposed timeline for Documents and Prototypes:

   o Standards

      1. SDRP v1 Forwarding and Control Specification - January 1993
      2. MIB - March 1993
      3. Usage and Configuration - March 1993
      4. Internal SDRP - March 1993
      5. BGP/IDRP Extensions - June 1993
      6. Information Distribution - June 1993

   o Prototypes

      1. SDRP v1 for IP v4 - March 1993

   o Experimental Documents

      1. Draft Specification for Multicast - November 1993
      2. Draft Specification for Route Setup - November 1993


David Arneson            arneson@ctron.com
Jules Aronson            aronson@nlm.nih.gov
Nagaraj Arunkumar        nak@3com.com
Fred Baker               fbaker@acc.com
Jim Barnes               barnes@xylogics.com
William Barns            barns@gateway.mitre.org
David Bolen              db3l@ans.net
Scott Brim               Scott_Brim@cornell.edu
Jeffrey Burgan           jeff@nsipo.nasa.gov
Ken Carlberg             Carlberg@cseic.saic.com
Charles Carvalho         charles@acc.com
Robert Ching             rching@nat.com
Richard Colella          colella@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
Dave Cullerot            cullerot@ctron.com
Michael Davis            mad@spirit.clearpoint.com
Steve Deering            deering@parc.xerox.com
Tim Dixon                dixon@rare.nl
Kurt Dobbins             dobbins@ctron.com
Jacques Dugast           dugast@issy.cnet.fr
Deborah Estrin           estrin@usc.edu
William Fink             bill@wizard.gsfc.nasa.gov
Shoji Fukutomi           fuku@furukawa.co.jp
Vince Fuller             vaf@stanford.edu
Patrick Hanel            hanel@yoyodyne.dco.ntc.nokia.com
Ken Hayward              crm57d@bnr.ca
Dwight Jamieson          djamies@bnr.ca
Matthew Jonson           jonson@server.af.mil


Dan Jordt                danj@nwnet.net
Merike Kaeo              merike@alw.nih.gov
John Krawczyk            jkrawczy@wellfleet.com
Tony Li                  tli@cisco.com
Olli-Pekka Lintula       olli-pekka.lintula@ntc.nokia.com
Peter Lothberg           roll@stupi.se
Gary Malkin              gmalkin@xylogics.com
Tracy Mallory            tracym@3com.com
Donald Merritt           don@brl.mil
David Meyer              meyer@oregon.uoregon.edu
Robert Moose             rmoose@gateway.mitre.org
Tu Nguyen                Nguyen1T@cc.ims.disa.mil
Laura Pate               pate@gateway.mitre.org
Yakov Rekhter            yakov@watson.ibm.com
April Richstein          abm@tycho.ncsc.mil
John Scudder             jgs@merit.edu
Frank Solensky           solensky@andr.ub.com
Michael St.  Johns       stjohns@darpa.mil
Terrance Sullivan        terrys@newbridge.com
Morton Taragin           vsmorty@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
Kannan Varadhan          kannan@oar.net
Warren Vik               wmv@i88.isc.com
Curtis Villamizar        curtis@ans.net
Luanne Waul              luanne@wwtc.timeplex.com
Cathy Wittbrodt          cjw@nersc.gov
Stephen Wolff            steve@nsf.gov
Robert Woodburn          woody@sparta.com
Honda Wu                 honda@nat.com
Jeff Young               young@alw.nih.gov
