Editor's Note: Minutes received 11/24/92


Reported by Harald Alvestrand/SINTEF

Minutes of the SNMP Application Monitoring BOF (SAM)

The Group decided that the current draft was basically a good idea.
Very few people had read the draft.  But much interest was expressed.

The Group wants to be a working group, and adopted the name ``Mail And
Directory MANagement'' - or MADMAN for short.  It should be in the
Applications Area, not the OSI Area.  Marshall Rose recommended against
the Network Management Area, because it is trying to focus on the
NETWORK management.

Steve Hardcastle-Kille will write the Charter.

Ned Freed will set up mailing list and archives.

All agreed that the right format was three documents:

  1. An ``applications'' MIB (probably to be renamed a ``Server MIB'',
     since it was rather connection type oriented; a spreadsheet would
     not fit) editor Ned Freed

  2. A ``Mailserver MIB'' Editor Ned Freed.

  3. A ``Directory server MIB'' Editor Steve Hardcastle-Kille

       o There is a limit to be drawn between the (already large) host
         MIB and this MIB.
       o The exact MIB structure needs polishing.


Harald Alvestrand        Harald.Alvestrand@delab.sintef.no
David Arneson            arneson@ctron.com
J. Nevil Brownlee        nevil@aukuni.ac.uz
Theodore Brunner         tob@thumper.bellcore.com
Stephen Bush             sfb@ncoast.org
Cathy Cunningham         cmc@microcom.com
Cynthia Della Torre      cindy@gateway.mitre.org
Hans Eriksson            hans@sics.se
Daniel Fauvarque         dfauvarq@france.sun.com
Ned Freed                ned@innosoft.com
Ella Gardner             epg@gateway.mitre.org
Michel Guittet           guittet1@applelink.apple.com
Steve Hardcastle-Kille   s.kille@isode.com
John Hawthorne           johnh@tigger.rl.af.mil


Gerd Holzhauer           holzhauer1@applelink.apple.com
Marko Kaittola           marko.kaittola@funet.fi
Sylvain Langlois         Sylvain.Langlois@der.edf.fr
Edward Levinson          levinson@pica.army.mil
Rina Nathaniel           rina!rnd!rndi@uunet.uu.net
Rakesh Patel             patel@noc.rutgers.edu
Michael Patton           map@bbn.com
David Perkins            dperkins@synoptics.com
Karen Petraska-Veum      karen@nsisrv.gsfc.nasa.gov
David Piscitello         dave@sabre.bellcore.com
Kary Robertson           kr@concord.com
Marshall Rose            mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us
Jon Saperia              saperia@lkg.dec.com
Michael Sapich           sapich@conware.de
Dallas Scott             scott@fluky.mitre.org
Chris Shaw               cshaw@banyan.com
Timon Sloane             timon@rahul.net
Einar Stefferud          stef@nma.com
Panos-Gavriil Tsigaridas Tsigaridas@fokus.berlin.gmd.dbp.de
Cathy Wittbrodt          cjw@nersc.gov
Honda Wu                 honda@nat.com
Peter Yee                yee@atlas.arc.nasa.gov
