Editor's Note: Minutes received 12/16/92


Reported by Jack Drescher/MCNC and Ari Ollikainen/LLNL

Minutes of the Remote Conferencing BOF (REMCONF)

The goals for the November 16th Meeting were:

   o Get a status report and perspective from Russ Hobby on proposals
     for how REMCONF might be more formally organized within the IETF.

   o Review and get consensus on the Draft Multimedia Communication
     Architecture Paper by Yee-Hsiang Chang.  This paper has been on
     rem-conf for sometime now and some good feedback has been received
     from a small set of people.  A summary report of this feedback will
     be presented.  Hopefully, this will stimulate additional feedback
     and suggestions on how to resolve some of the issues.

   o Start the process of putting together a Catalog of Internet
     conferencing packages.  MCNC has agreed to compile and periodically
     update the catalog.  We'd like to agree on format, access and other
     logistics.  We'd also like to identify initial candidates for the
     catalog.  This can be a departure point for the interoperability
     discussions set for the Wednesday, November 18th AVT Working Group

   o Address other issues as time permits.

   o Provide a few information item handouts.


I. An MCNC organizational recommendation summary was presented and
   discussed.  (see attached).

Some Key Discussion Points were:

  1. Russ Hobby reported that approval has been granted to include
     Architectural type work in the scope of IETF activities.

  2. There is an urgency to bring Resource Management out of Research
     and in to the IETF now.  Future conversations with MIT Computer
     Science Lab indicate that introduction via BOF could occur at the
     next IETF in March, 1993.  Personal Opinion:  Perhaps this could be
     started in REMCONF.

  3. An observation was made that Coding may not require a separate
     Working Group.


II. Yee-Hsiang Chang presented an outline of his paper (pre-supplied) on
``An Architectural Approach for Real-Time Multimedia Communications''.
We didn't reach closure on consensus, but several points made were:

  1. The layering concept is a good notion, but rigid definitions should
     be avoided.

  2. The conferencing application may be unique in how session level
     functions invoke multiple services.

  3. Ways in which the architecture could be expanded were discussed.
     These ranged from taking ``sub-application slices'' and driving
     them through to see that the functions were there to support them,
     to picking a few services and ``connecting user/provider''.  It was
     noted that some services may not need manager relationships.

At this point, Eve Schooler volunteered to start a spin-off BOF called
Conferencing Control (CONFCTRL). Summary Minutes of that activity can be
found in the Applications Area Report.

III. A starter list of conferencing packages was constructed and Tom
Sandoski's expanded list and other information about a catalog of
offerings is attached.  One purpose for doing this was to identify
coding implementations that could be further analyzed for possible
interoperability purposes.  Henning Schulzrinne agreed to gather
additional detailed information and a status report from him is included

     A first cut at an encodings summary will be part of the suite
     of Internet-Drafts (future RFCs) to come out within the next
     few days.  Oliver Jones and others volunteered to contribute
     information on Video Codecs.  Discussion will take place
     through the normal rem-conf channels.  After discussions with
     Steve Casner, we decided that this activity was(roughly) within
     the AVT Charter and there was no need to create more structure
     at this point

IV. Programs for the December Packet Video Workshop at MCNC were handed
out along with the attached starter list of chipset and codec
manufacturers, which will become part of the ``Offerings Catalog''
mentioned earlier in these Minutes.

It was mentioned that we needed to add card/board level product
companies to this list.  That will be done.



Lou Berger               lberger@bbn.com
Dean Blackketter         deanb@apple.com
Scott Brim               Scott_Brim@cornell.edu
Stephen Casner           casner@isi.edu
Kay Chang                chang@chang.austin.ibm.com
Wo Chang                 wchang@nist.gov
Richard Cogger           rhx@cornell.cit.bitnet
Kurt Dobbins             dobbins@ctron.com
Jack Drescher            drescher@concert.net
Tom Easterday            tom@cic.net
Hans Eriksson            hans@sics.se
William Fink             bill@wizard.gsfc.nasa.gov
Jerry Friesen            jafries@sandia.llnl.gov
Robert Gilligan          Bob.Gilligan@eng.sun.com
Russ Hobby               rdhobby@ucdavis.edu
Don Hoffman              don.hoffman@eng.sun.com
Christian Huitema        christian.huitema@sophia.inria.fr
Oliver Jones             oj@pictel.com
Jim Knowles              jknowles@binky.arc.nasa.gov
Christopher Kolb         kolb@psi.com
Paul Lambert             paul_lambert@email.mot.com
Allison Mankin           mankin@gateway.mitre.org
Matt Mathis              mathis@a.psc.edu
Greg Minshall            minshall@wc.novell.com
Michael Newell           mnewell@nsipo.nasa.gov
Ari Ollikainen           ari@es.net
Jim Perchik              perchik@athena.mit.edu
Mike Petry               petry@ni.umd.edu
Allan Rubens             acr@merit.edu
Tom Sandoski             tom@concert.net
Eve Schooler             schooler@isi.edu
Henning Schulzrinne      hgs@research.att.com
Scott Stein              scotts@apple.com
Terrance Sullivan        terrys@newbridge.com
Claudio Topolcic         topolcic@cnri.reston.va.us
Thierry Turletti         turletti@sophia.inria.fr
Janet Vratny             janet@apple.com
Abel Weinrib             abel@bellcore.com
Jeff Young               young@alw.nih.gov
Paul Zawada              Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu



                 An MCNC REMCONF Architecture Structure


                 Associated Working Group Recommendation

                             October 7, 1992

 TO: Phill Gross
     Russ Hobby

 Reference Documents:

   1) Chart:Remote Conferencing Multimedia Architecture    Yee-Hsiang Chang
                       Proposed Structure

   2) Draft Paper:Realtime Multimedia Conferencing         Yee-Hsiang Chang

   3) Draft Paper: Coding/Compression Requirements from    Yee-Hsiang Chang
                   the Network Protocol's Viewpoint

   4) Statement of Desired Function (Developed at the Cambridge IETF)

 Summary Recommendation:

   In order to bring the Remote Conferencing Application to the Internet,
   we are recommending the formation of 2 new working groups and 2 new
   MCNC Packet Video Consortium Task Groups in addition to the existing
   Audio/Video Transport Working Group. A new Architectural Steering
   Committee is recommended to oversee and coordinate all of the Working
   and Task Groups in volved in the Remote Conferencing endeavor.
   The  new entities are:
   1) Resource Management  (Future IETF Working Group)
   2) Coding  (MCNC Packet Video Consortium Task Group)
   3) Connection/Configuration  (IETF Working Group)
   4) Application  (MCNC Packet Video Consortium Task Group)
        The overall architecture development and "see that the pieces
        are all glued together" functions can be performed by an
        IETF Architectural Steering Committee that reports to an IETF
        Area Director. This Committee will oversee both the IETF Working
        Groups and Packet Video Consortium Task Groups. All Working
        Group and Task Group Leaders would be on the Steering Committee.
   Note: This assumes that extensions to IP Multicast can be handled
         in an existing Working Group such as Multicast Extensions to
   Note: There is a decision to be made as to how much Resource Management
         should be added to the current level of IP and how much should be
         designed in to a future level of IP.
                       AUDIO/VIDEO CHIPSET MAKERS

AT&T Microelectronics
 Arnold Englander - Mgr. Microelectronic Development
 908/771-4578  Phone
 Ted Fagenson AT&T Product Marketing
 908/771-3040  Phone
 9O8/771-2873  Fax.
 Cecil Martin     - Local Agent(Prime Components, Inc)Raleigh, N.C.
 919/850-9866  Phone
 Product: AVP series chips
 C-Cube Microsystems
 Clint Chao - Sales Engineer(Western U.S.)
 408/944-6300  Phone
 408/944-6314  Fax
 Peter Zabollos-Sales Engineer(Eastern U.S.)
 617/536-8480  Phone
 617/536-8486  Fax
 Product: JPEG & other chips
 Used in most PC/MAC/Unix boards available today for JPEG (de)compression
Integrated Information Technology
 Tim Williams - Product Mgr
 408/727-1885  Phone
 408/980-0432  Fax
 Mike Noonen  - Product Marketing
 617/270-0678  Phone
 617/238-6706  Fax
 Intel Corporation
 Charlie Tai, Architecture Development Lab
 503/696-2803  Phone
 503/693-9348  Fax
 ctai@ashland.intel.com  Email
 Obie Hasty   - Product Manager
 512/322-2300  Phone
 512/322-2312  Fax
 Product: MM Communications Chipset
 Joint development with British Telecom for conferencing products
 D. Hockaday - Local Acct. Rep Raleigh, N.C.
 Product: MPEG/H.216 chips
 Texas Instruments
 Walt Bonneau - 340i Program Manager
 Product: 340i
                          CODEC VENDORS
 Bolter Communications
 Glenn Norem -President & CEO
 Stuart McLeod
 214/484-6456  Phone
 214/484-1919  Fax
 Product: Vision 7 (Formerly Concept Image 30)
 Compression Labs, Inc
 John E. Tyson -President & CEO
 408/435-3000  Phone
 408/922-5429  Fax
 Tom Lookabaugh -Director of Research
 408/922-5587  Phone
 408/922-4608  Fax
 toml@cygnusx1.portal.com  Email
 Steve Parrish -Sales, Atlanta
 404/980-6671  Phone
 404/980-6683  Fax
 Product: Rembrandt, Rembrandt II
 Rich Baker -Director of Research
 508/977-8289  Phone
 508/977-9491  Fax
 bake@pictel.com  Email
 Bob Reynolds -Technical Staff
 reynolds@pictel.com  Email
 Joe Duran -Technical Sales
 512/834-3703  Phone
 512/834-3792  Fax
 Owner of this document:
 John E.(Jack) Drescher                INTERNET  drescher@concert.net
 Manager, Program Development             Phone  919/248-1412
 MCNC Center for Communications            Home  919/848-6876
 PO Box 12889  3021 Cornwallis Road         Fax  919/248-1405
 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889
 To obtain the 7 Architecture Charts by Yee-Hsiang Chang:
 Please use anonymous ftp to the server at "ftp.concert.net".
 Get the file /doc/mm.ietf.ps.  This is a long and big
 Postscipt file, in which case please use the -s option in lpr
 to print the file.
 To obtain the 5 "Catalog" Charts by Tom Sandoski:
 The Postscript file containing the slides about
 the packet-video packages and catalog is available via anonymous
 ftp from ftp.concert.net in "pub/pv-packages.slides.ps".