Reported by Joyce K. Reynolds/ISI and J. Paul Holbrook/CERT

SSHWG Minutes

The "Site Security Handbook", RFC 1244/FYI 8, was released just prior to
the Atlanta IETF meeting.

The SSH was the topic of a plenary presentation by Holbrook at the
Atlanta IETF meeting.

The SSPHWG met in Atlanta with the goal of deciding what to do next.
The meeting was attended by about five people, so the discussion was

The group did agree to generate an executive summary of the document.
Al Hoover of ANS volunteered to work with Paul Holbrook on this
document.  The intent is to turn the summary into an informational RFC
as well.  The summary would be something you could give to local
decision makers to explain what the Site Security Handbook is all about
and what the general approach is.

There was some agreement that once the executive summary is available,
we can start pushing getting the word out about this document.  We will
almost certainly contact trade press, for example.

The group was vaguer about whether a workshop would be useful.  Unless
there are people to push on that issue, it won't happen.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Joyce K. Reynolds announced that she
would be 'retiring' as Co-Chair of the SSHWG. Joyce was truly the glue
that held the SSPHWG together; without her efforts, the Site Security
Handbook would never have been published.  Thanks, Joyce!


John Cook      
Jill Foster    
Arlene Getchell
J. Paul Holbrook
Alton Hoover   
Darren Kinley  
Joyce K. Reynolds
Ronald Tencati 
