IPv6 Operations WG (v6ops)

MONDAY, March 1 at 1530-1730
THURSDAY, March 4 at 1530-1730

CHAIRS: Pekka Savola <pekkas@netcore.fi>
	Jonne Soininen <jonne.Soininen@nokia.com>


Monday, 1st Mar: 1530-1730

Introduction and agenda bashing - 5 mins, Chairs/Jonne
  - Scribes! (Jabber also?)

Document status - 10 mins, Chairs/Pekka
  - What has happened with WG documents lately
  - GOAL: show the status of WG documents

"Zero-configured" Tunneling Discussion, 20 mins
 - 3GPP UE Tunneling, Unmanaged tunnel service, something in enterprise?
 - Main contenders: ISATAP, STEP, TSP, etc.
 - GOAL: try to be able to get closer to the consensus with the mechanisms
   than we are.

Introducing IPv6 in MPLS Networks, 20 mins
 - Discuss the approaches: configured tunneling, signalling upgrade,
   BGP tunneling hacks, etc.?
 - GOAL: try to get closer to consensus on what's required to use
   IPv6 in MPLS-based networks.

Opportunistic Tunneling (esp. NAT traversal) Discussion, 20 mins
 - Do we agree that this is something we need in the first place?
    * And if so, in which specific scenarios?
 - What are the models for deploying relays (in-host, in-site vs network)?
   What are the implications?
 - GOAL: try to get closer to consensus on what's the right approach
   for opportunistic tunneling.

IPv6 Distributed Security Requirements - 10 mins, J. Palet
 - http://www.consulintel.euro6ix.org/ietf/draft-palet-v6ops-ipv6security-00.txt
 - quick overview of new kind of security requirements
 - GOAL: introduce the issue

Quarantine Security Model - 10 mins, S. Kondo
 - draft-kondo-quarantine-overview-00.txt
 - quick overview of a possible security model for IPv6
 - GOAL: introduce the issue, to be fully discussed in security area

IPv6 Security Overview - 10 mins, P. Savola
 - draft-savola-v6ops-security-overview-02.txt
 - introduce the approach; discuss changes.
 - GOAL: discuss whether something like this is needed
   as WG item, adapt if so.

Thursday, 4th Mar: 1530-1730

[If good discussion is generated on the discussion items on the first
session, add time to discuss those here]

Enterprise Scenarios, 5 mins, Chairs/Jonne
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-01.txt
 - Discuss the changes, solicit feedback
 - GOAL: Prepare for WG Last Call.

ISP Scenarios/Solutions, 15 mins, M. Lind
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios-analysis-01.txt
 - Discuss WG last call issues, try to build consensus if any hot issues
 - GOAL: Make it easier to revise the document and send it to the IESG

Unmanaged Evaluation, 5 mins, Chairs?
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-unmaneval-01.txt
 - Discuss WG last call issues (if unresolved)
 - GOAL: Make it easier to revise the document and send it to the IESG

Transition mechanisms update, 10 mins, Chairs/Pekka
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-02.txt
 - draft-savola-v6ops-mechv2-interop-impl-template-00.txt
 - should be already at the IESG, discuss issues if any
 - Discuss implementation reports / interop testing
 - GOAL: Iron out last-minute issues, and make it easier to go to DS

6to4 Security Considerations, 10 mins, P. Savola
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-6to4-security-01.txt
 - discuss changes, solicit input whether the substantial changes 
   to the document layout helped.
 - GOAL: prepare the document for WG last call

Statistics from a 6to4 Relay - 5 mins, P. Savola
 - (no draft)
 - quick presentation on the usage statistics from a public 6to4 relay
 - GOAL: give the WG an impression about the traffic on 6to4 relays

IPv6 Applications Transition, 10 mins, M. Shin
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-application-transition-01.txt
 - discuss issues, if any, prior to the WG last call.
 - GOAL: make it easier to ship the document to the IESG.
IPv6 Renumbering Procedures, 10 mins, F. Baker
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-renumber-procedure-00.txt
 - discuss changes, solicit input
 - GOAL: prepare for WG last call

IPv6-on-by-Default - 10 mins, A. Durand
 - draft-ietf-v6ops-v6onbydefault-01.txt
 - discuss changes and open issues (if any)
 - GOAL: make it ready to ship these off after Seoul

IPv6 Mobility Scenarios/Requirements in 3GPP, 10 mins, C. Williams
 - loosely based on draft-yamamoto-mipv6node-v4trav-00.txt
 - discuss 3GPP2 IPv6 mobility and transition issues
 - GOAL: understand the scenario and its requirements