Remote Direct Data Placement WG (rddp)

Wednesday, March 3 at 1530-1730

CHAIR:  David L. Black <>

The RDDP WG works on Remote Direct Data Placement and Remote
Direct Memory Access functionality.  For more information,
please refer to the rddp charter at:

AGENDA: Subject to change

- Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (5 min)
        - Blue Sheets
        - NOTE WELL

- Status of drafts (5 min)

- Applicability Statement (5 min)

        Mostly a status update.

- DDP and RDMAP drafts (10 min)
        (draft-ietf-rddp-ddp-02.txt, draft-ietf-rddp-rdmap-01.txt)

        Mostly a status update.

- SCTP Mapping (5 min)

        Despite the -00 version number, this is the fourth version
        of this draft, and it is relatively mature.

- TCP mapping (30 min)

        The mpa-issueresponses draft is a separate draft from the
        MPA authors describing issues raised in MPA and proposed approaches.

- Security (60 min)

        Time allocated reflects the importance of progress on this draft.