Network Configuration WG (netconf) Wednesday, March 3 at 1300-1500 Thursday, March 4 at 0900-1130 =============================== CHAIRS: Simon Leinen <> Andy Bierman <> AGENDA: - Reports on NETCONF related meetings at RIPE47 (Simon Leinen) and NANOG30 (Eliot Lear) - Document Updates - NETCONF Configuration Protocol - NETCONF Over SOAP - Resolution of Hottest Issue List Items The full issue list can be found at: 5.1) End of message directive 5.2) SSH Port Assignment 6.3) SOAP header usage 7.1) Need to compile a list of criteria then prioritize the list. 10.3.2) (NEW) Confirmed commit 11.1.2) URI vs. URN 11.2.13) #rollback capability 12.6) <rpc-error> 12.6.1) Error codes 13.3) <edit-config> 13.3.1) No operator for 'add' (create) 13.3.2) No <error-option> for rollback-on-error 13.12.3) Error handling 13.15.2) Implicit Rollback 13.16) <discard-changes> any) any other issues on the list people want to discuss - Conformance Issues - WG Document MUSTs, SHOULDs, MAYs - Mandatory-to-implement application substrate WG Internet Drafts: NETCONF Configuration Protocol BEEP Application Protocol Mapping for NETCONF NETCONF Over SOAP Using the NETCONF Configuration Protocol over Secure Shell (SSH)