IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming WG (mobike)

Monday, March 1 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Jari Arkko (jarkko@piuha.net)
        Tero Kivinen (kivinen@iki.fi)


1. Preliminaries, chairs (10 mins)
   - Bluesheets
   - Minutes
   - BoF & WG status
   - Editors
   - Document status
   - WG site http://www.vpnc.org/ietf-mobike/

2. Draft-dupont-ikev2-addrmgmt-04.txt, Francis Dupont (30 mins)
   - Present the approach
   - http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-dupont-ikev2-addrmgmt-04.txt

3. Draft-kivinen-mobike-protocol-00.txt, Tero Kivinen (15 mins)
   - Present the approach
   - Note: Tero's draft has not been completed yet. Hopefully
     it will be sent to the list in next days. If and when
     it appears, it will be stored in

4. Discussion on MOBIKE protocol design, TBD (30 mins)
   - Abstracting the details away, there are some design
     decisions in the MOBIKE protocol that we need to do.
     Present these and get a sense from the room what people
     like and do not like. (Decisions to be completed on the
     mailing list, of course.)
   - Message representation
   - Switching to a failover address, when and how?
   - IPsec SAs move with IKE SAs or not?
   - When to do RR?
   - And so on

5. Discussion on other work items and next steps (10 mins)