Internet Information Retrieval Infrastructure BOF (iiri) Monday, March 1 at 1300-1500 ============================ CHAIRS: Guo Yiping <> Andrew Newton <> DESCRIPTION: With the rapid increase of the web pages, the coverage of search engines will become poorer and the update interval will be much longer. If the current architecture of search engines is still in use, it will be an impossible mission to f! ind the precise and comprehensive information in the future. This problem will be more serious when IPV6 technology is widely implemented in communication networks. The problem of "Too much information means no information" may become a disaster with information explosion. To solve this problem, there should be an efficient information management system for Int ernet. In this group, Domain Resource Integrated System--DRIS will be proposed. DRIS is a distributed information retrieval system, which will build the information retrieval infrastructure for the Internet and also can be regarded as a kind of Internet information management system. DRIS is a hierarchical distributed search system and comprise three kinds of information retrieval system, conventional database system, distributed search system and metadata harvest system. We will first define the basic search system and then define the entire DRIS. Specific work items are: 1 Standard distributed search system. I! t defines the platform-independent search interface and a collection description standard for heterogeneous information resources. An I-D "information retrieval protocol for digital resources" has been proposed. 2 Standard metadata harvest system. A protocol based some available opening standard like OAI will be proposed. It will define a standard metadata that can be compatible with most database system. 3 Standard public web pages search system. 4 DRIS. It will define entire DRIS. It includes its whole architecture, the relation between different nodes, etc. 5 DRIS and IPV6. The cooperation with IPV6 WG will be proposed. IPV6 will be the most distinct feather of next generation Internet.IPV6 is still in improving and any technology that can benefit the Internet all can be added to the IPV6 system. Since the searching is the main service of most user of Internet and this service is not so satisfied to us in current Internet, why not take this request into account when ! build the new Internet. For example, in IPV6, all kinds of data flows are assigned a priority, and then Internet can guarantee a high priority to the data flow of DRIS. So there may need some considerations for the relation between DRIS and IPV6. AGENDA: Draft agenda for the BOF: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- History of IETF work in this area 15 min Introduction to problem space and DRIS 15 min Internet Information retrieval infrastructure and digital library 15 min draft-liang-irpdl-03.txt 15 min IPv6 and information ! retrieval system 15 min Discussion remaining time Mailing list Archive and general information: