General Area Open Meeting (genarea)

Monday, March 1 at 1930-2200

CHAIR:	Harald Tveit Alvestrand <>

Purpose of meeting:
- Go through the "high level picture" of where the problems in the IETF are, and what is being done to address them
- Look at specific proposals that do not have WG meetings to look at them, and provide a quick "thumbs up/thumbs down" feedback indication, which can serve as feedback to the proposers and a hint to the IESG on how to handle the proposals.

People who wish to comment on the proposals will be expected to have read the proposals before the meeting.


19:30 Welcome, scribe and agenda bashing
19:40 Overview - Harald Alvestrand

See also ICAR, NEWTRK charters; PROTO charter; EDU charter and website

19:55 Notes from specific non-WG/non-BOF efforts
- EDU team: working to make sure IETF participants know as much as
  possible on how to be effective (5 min)
- MPOWR discussions: What the mailing list discussions have led
  to (10 min)

20:10 Specific proposals for change - "thumbs-up" / "thumbs-down"
 Rules of the game / intro - Harald (5 min)

 20:15 An IETF Ombudsman - Avri Doria (10 min)
 See section 10 of draft-iesg-hardie-outline-01.txt

 20:30 Mailing list procedure change - Margaret Wasserman (10 min)
 draft-wasserman-rfc2418-ml-update-00.txt (10 min)

 20:40 Procedures for changing procedures - John Klensin (20 min)
 draft-klensin-process-july14-00 ("Trust the IESG")
 draft-klensin-process-planb-00 ("Distrust the IESG")

 21:00 PROTO team presentation and discussion (25 min)
 The PROTO-Team is working to improve the effectiveness,
 scalability and openness of our document handling procedures
 and the tools that support them.

 Specific items for discussion:
 - Intro - Margaret Wasserman
 - Definition of shepherding - Allison Mankin
 - Planned PROTO Team Pilots:
   - WG Chair Ballot Write-ups - Aaron Falk
   - Shepherding AD Review Comments - Henrik Levkowetz
   - Shepherding IESG Ballot Comments - David Meyer

21:25 Discussing the overall problem - Harald Alvestrand (30 min)
Does this distribution of tasks (small changes, individual proposals, PROTO team, EDU team, ICAR, NEWTRK) make sense?
What is NOT within the list of things being worked on? How does it need to be done?

21:55 Wrap up and conclude - Harald Alvestrand (5 min)
- What activities do we obviously need to do, but aren't?
- What activities are we doing that we need to change?
- What changes are in the "we know what to do, do it" category?
- What next?

22:00 Adjourn