Detecting Network Attachment WG (dna)

Tuesday, March 2 at 1300-1400

CHAIRS: Greg Daley (
        Pekka Nikander (


  5 min  Agenda bashing                  Chairs

  5 min  WG status                       Chairs
         - chartering
         - editors
         - review group

 10 min  Draft status - overall          Chairs
         - DAD optimization work at IPv6
         - adopting drafts as WG items

  5 min  DNA Goals draft                 JinHyeock Choi

         Definition DNAv6 Goals is a charter milestone.
         presentation of progress and review feedback.
         Existing work is in the draft:


  5 min  L2 hints draft                  Alper Yegin

         Definition of Existing L2 Hints applicable for
         DNA processes is a charter milestone.
         Presentation of progress.
         Existing work is in the draft:


 15 min  IEEE 802.21 work on triggers    Dj Johnson

         Link Layer information where available can
         provide hints as to handover.   IEEE handoff
         group aims to provide useful information
         to L2 peers and upper layer protocols.

         Discussion of potential interaction or
         delineation of work between DNA or IETF and

  5 min  Starting points for BCP draft   Chairs (?)

         Best current practice for DNA entails use of
         existing and well known protocol mechanisms
         for detecting network configuration change.

         Determination of direction for this charter
         milestone is required.

  5 min  Proactive Approach for DNA      Eunsoo Shim

         This presentation provides a preliminary look
         at one of the proposed solutions for DNA.  In
         this solution the Candidate Access Router Discovery
         protocol provides adjacent Access Point and
         Access Router information for use in determining
         configuration change on link-up.

         Description of this approach is provided in the
         individual submission:


  5 min  Summary & going ahead


  Existing L2 Hints Catalogue

  DNAv6 Goals:

Other reading:

  Some parameters for Link Hints