Remote Direct Data Placement WG (rddp)

Tuesday, July 15 at 1700-1800
Thursday, July 17, 1530-1730

CHAIR:  David L. Black <>

The RDDP WG works on Remote Direct Data Placement and Remote
Direct Memory Access functionality.  For more information,
please refer to the rddp charter at:

AGENDA (subject to change):

Tuesday, July 15, 1700-1800
- Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (5 min)
        - Blue Sheets
        - NOTE WELL

- Status of drafts (5 min)

- SCTP Mapping (5 min)

- Applicability Statement (5 min)

- Last Call Issue: Shared Receive Queues vs. Shared Buffer Pools (20 min)

        This issue that arose on the list around the
        architecture and problem statement drafts.  This is
        the only issue from WG Last Call - once resolved, the
        drafts will be submitted to the ADs/IESG.

- Security (20 min)

        Overview of approach and issues.  A request will be made
        to accept a revised version of this draft as an official
        WG draft.

RDDP WG Thursday, July 17, 1530-1730
- Agenda Re-Bashing and Administrivia (5 min)

- Security (continued) (30 min)

- TCP mapping rough consensus status review (20 min)
        WG chair review and discussion of resolution of
        major issues in the TCP mapping.

- TCP mapping (65 min)

        Based on progress achieved on the mailing list, a request
        will be made to accept a revised version of this draft as
        an official WG draft.

NOTE: Attendees should also read the following draft as background
        for the meeting, although no agenda time is allocated to it:

        (1) draft-ietf-rddp-rdma-concerns-00.txt
                Describes concerns that rddp work needs to address.