Mobility for IPv4 BOF (mip4)

Monday, July 14 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS:	Basavaraj Patil <>
	Gabriel Montenegro <> 


NOTE: MIP4 is in the process of being approved as a working group.
      Final approval MAY happen before Vienna IETF. Details,
      work items, chairs, etc are likely to change.

1.      Charter discussion: 15 min

2.      VPN problem statement update: 20 min
        I-D: draft-ietf-mobileip-vpn-problem-statement-req-03.txt
        Presenter: Gopal Dometty
        The I-D which will be completing WG LC before the meeting has
        been revised following reviews by the Mobile IP security
        advisor (Radia Perlman). The intent is to provide a status
        update on the problem statement as well as discuss any LC
        comments/issues that may be identified

3.      VPN solutions discussion: 20 min
        I-D: draft-ietf-mobileip-vpn-problem-solution-02.txt
        Presenter(s): Sami Vaarala or Farid Adrangi
        The design team has discussed a number of options in the
        solution space. This agenda item is aimed at presenting the
        conclusions reached and the reasoning behind the choice being

4.      Dynamic HA discussion: 20 min
        I-D: draft-kulkarni-mobileip-dynamic-asignment-01.txt
        Presenter: Milind Kulkarni
        This agenda item is intended as a discussion item to gauge WG
        interest in the idea of dynamic Home Agent assignment and to
        consider this as a WG item.

Status of WG I-Ds (Mobile IPv4 related):
1. draft-ietf-mobileip-reg-revok-07.txt
   I-D has been approved and is currently on RFC editors queue.
2. draft-ietf-mobileip-aaa-key-12.txt
   WG last call issued on May 23rd. 
   A few comments have been received. Resolution of these comments in
3. draft-ietf-mobileip-lowlatency-handoffs-v4-05.txt
   New revision of I-D submitted. (Previous version had expired)
   I-D to be submitted to ADs for consideration as experimental before
4. draft-ietf-mobileip-rfc3012bis-05.txt
   Review comments being addressed. 
   WG last call after IETF57
5. draft-ietf-mobileip-aaa-nai-05
   WG LC completed. Needs to be submitted to ADs for IESG
6. draft-ietf-mobileip-vpn-problem-statement-req-03
   WG last call issued on June 30th.
7. draft-ietf-mobileip-vpn-problem-solution-02
   Work in progress


IP mobility support for IPv4 nodes (hosts and routers) is specified in
RFC3344. RFC 3344 mobility allows a node to continue using its "permanent"
home address as it moves around the internet. The Mobile IP protocols support 
transparency above the IP layer, including maintenance of active
TCP connections and UDP port bindings. Besides the basic Mobile IPv4
(MIPv4) protocols, several other drafts deal with concerns such as
optimization, security, extensions, AAA support and, deployment

Mobile IPv4 is currently being deployed on a wide basis (e.g., in cdma2000
networks). The scope of the deployment is on a fairly large scale and 
accordingly, the MIP4 WG will focus on deployment issues, and
on addressing known deficiencies and shortcomings in the protocol that
have come up as a result of deployment experience.
Specifically the working group will complete the work items to facilitate
interactions with AAA environments, interactions with enterprise
environments when Mobile IPv4 is used therein, and updating existing
protocol specifications in accordance with deployment needs and advancing
those protocols that are on the standards track.

Work expected to be done by the MIP4 WG as proposed by this charter is
as follows:

1. MIPv4 has been a proposed standard for several years. It has been
   adopted by other standard development organizations and has been
   deployed commercially. One of the next steps for the WG is to advance
   the protocol to draft standard status. As part of advancing base
   Mobile IP specs to DS, the Mobile IPv4 NAI RFC (2794) will also be
   progressed towards DS.

2. Key exchange using AAA infrastructures for setting up security
   associations defined in RFC3344 will be completed.

3. The AAA WG which is currently dealing with the Diameter Mobile IP
   application requires the AAA NAI for Mobile IPv4. This work will
   be completed by the WG. The MIP4 WG will also work with the AAA WG
   to ensure that the Diameter Mobile IP application is aligned with
   WG requirements.

4. Dynamic home agent assignment via a lightweight mechanism has been
   proposed and the WG will take on the task of completing this. The
   ability to switch the home agent assigned to a mobile node will also
   be considered as part of this task.

5. Work items that are pending from the previous Mobile IP WG and will be
   completed by the MIP4 WG are RFC3012bis (Challenge-response mechanism),
   low-latency handover draft to experimental status and the completion
   of the MIB for the revised base Mobile IP specification (2006bis).

6. The MIP4 WG also complete the work on Mobile IPv4 interactions in VPN
   scenarios. This work will involve identifying the requirements and
   a solution development for Mobile IPv4 operation in the presence of
   IPsec VPN's. 

Other potential work items may be identified in the future but will
require an appropriate recharter.